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glass material rendering

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Hi, I’m Houdini beginner

I made ‘roll a dice’ work
So I used RBD node, It was made that dice and ground are clashed

Now I got problem
After rendering I checking my work, I found dice’s glass material have keep changing
I tried to get the value to 0 when the dice fell and stopped because of the bounce and friction values of the RBD node
It looks better but still PROBLEM


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Would be easier to debug with an example scene.

but few questions:

On 3/16/2019 at 3:57 AM, minzy said:

glass material have keep changing

- keep changing how ? ( i only guess you meant that jittering at the end of animation?)

On 3/16/2019 at 3:57 AM, minzy said:

I tried to get the value to 0

- get value of 0 of what? what value ?

Edited by tmdag
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hard to say without inspecting the scene but i'm pretty sure this artifact is rather the geometry/animation problem than material/rendering thing. my guess would be either somehow jittery normals, doubled prims/edges or something along those lines.

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