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maya2houdini geometry not importing


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I loaded the iges export plug-in in maya 4 and 4.5 and exported a model. Houdini totally refuses to accept anything. This includes .Iges (for nurbs) and .OBJ (poly). I get that red thingy on the File SOP

I'm running maya 4.5 and 4 and houdini 5 and 5.5 Master. I have done this before with maya 3 and houdini 4.1.

I tried to bring some rhinoceros 3-D models into houdini that doesn't work either.

What's going on? help !!!

thanx in advance

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when exporting iges from rhino to houdini...it's very very picky

(we have been working with sidefx for about a month on this...)

you have to create a new "export type" in rhino with these settings...

(General Page)

IGES version 5.3

Point Objects: 116(Seperate points)

(points and curve page)

Mac degree 3

composite curve as single B-spline (checked)

Use simple entities when possible (checked)

clamp end knots (checked)

(surface page)

Solids: Seperate solids

Polysurfaces: Seperate solids

surfaces 144

Max degrees 3

Clamp end knots (only one checked on this page)

It's tricky too because you are working with an iges model that someone

else built. And it is usually built for another purpose other than visualization.

I would also get version 5.5.170 giges has some improvments and nurbs render without artifacts...

good luck


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ps houdini halo is really friggen slow

There have been major improvements if you're using the latest H5.5 build. Have tried it on an Irix box? There has been major headaches with the consumer grade video cards that mainly cater to the games community. Part of it is simply because they don't implement a lot of the OpenGL features in hardware.

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