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Illuminance Loop Question


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In sig02.course16.pdf page 57 we read:

"the illuminance loop corresponding to the built-in diffuse() function.

normal Nf = normalize(faceforward(N, I));
illuminance (P, Nf, PI/2) {
Ci += Cl * (Nf . normalize(L));

Which is a very easy stuff.

I wrote in vex :

#include <math.h>

k_pharr_mattefalloff( vector mycolor = 0.2)

vector Nf = normalize(frontface(N,I));
Cf = mycolor + Cl * dot(Nf,normalize(L));

Which works but leaves the unlit areas (PI/2 to PI I guess) constant white!

Does illuminance loops differ between vex and rsl?

What to do to correct it not using built-in functions ofcourse?

I have similar problems with other examples from the paper (listings 3.2, 3.4, 3.7...)

I hope this is not one of my stupid errors.

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I know next to nothing about shading but some odd things occur to me in your code:

- Do you need braces around your illuminance loop contents?

- I don't see you accumulating the light colours. Do you mean to set Cf to mycolor outside the illuminance loop and then accumulate the the lighting results within?

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In help illuminance loop looks like


, so in the shader it should look like

surface mysurface()

but it works exactly as my example.

About the colour: In rman example there is "Cf +=" because it adds calculated Cf to default surface color (from rib?). AFAIK for light color there is "Cl" in illuminance loops in both rsl and vex.

What I'm trying to do with "Cf = mycol + Cl*(blah)" is exactly to take some colour (instead of default surface) and add light colour multiplied by dot(Nf,L).

Please explain me if this is wrong.

There has to be an error because the result is as I wrote.

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Goal of illuminance is:

loop through ALL lights and GATHER illumination...

#include <math.h>

k_pharr_mattefalloff( vector mycolor = 0.2)

vector Nf = normalize(frontface(N,I));

//set global illumination = 0
vector lcol = 0;

//loop through all lights
  //add illumination of current light to global illumination 
  lcol += Cl * dot(Nf,normalize(L));

Cf = lcol * mycolor;



Cf = mycolor + Cl * dot(Nf,normalize(L));


This means:

Skip all lights except last, get illumination of last light and ???ADD??? some color.

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