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Displacement breaks the geometry

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I'm having problem with displacement that when I try to add it it just stops rendering some polygons and there are gaps between others. Ive recreated it in a simple scene with noise for displacement. Could someone tell me where I got it wrong and how to get rid of the gaps? Also if you had a sample setup for displacement from exr texture that would be great. I just spent the whole day trying million different things but all have the same broken result.

Here is the the .hiplc scene and the original and displaced render. As you can see there is bunch of polygons missing at the top of the displaced one :/ Also image of setup bellow.


Thanks Martin

I'm using:
Houdini FX Version 18.0.349
Rendering with Mantra
Windows 10 x64



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36 minutes ago, Andrea said:

You need to increase the displacement bounds. You need to increase the value in the displacement tab of your principled shader or in your case I guess you have to add it with the other properties

It doesnt seem like a bound issue. Ive changed the setup to make the noise withing the principled shader and increased the bound to 14000, but it is still the same. Also some of the gaps are just on the edge wouldn't bound issue would look different?

updated file: test_disp2.hiplc


I'm using:
Houdini FX Version 18.0.349
Rendering with Mantra
Windows 10 x64



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1 hour ago, flcc said:

Just delete the expression in your mantra displacement propertie end set it to 10. The displacement bound parameter of the princpled shader is useless in a materialBuilder context.


I had no idea it was both in the shader and in the properties, should have thought of looking there too. Thanks :)


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