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bbox() and bound node giving different results (solved)

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hey all, I was trying to export some animated bounding boxes and I noticed that bound and bbox() give different P values, what causes this? I thought they'd be the same. I attached an example. It's not really a problem in my case but I'm confused. have a great week all and remember to wash your keyboards ;)



Edited by rbesca
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it's because Bounds SOP is actually building bounding box around the geometry that is fed in

while by putting bbox to scale parameters you are merely scaling your unit box to the same dimensions, but you are still keeping it in the center of the scene, you need to also move the box to the center of the geometry bounding box to get the same result as bounds

you can for example put this into transform2 Translate parameters

centroid("../../geo1/explodedview2", 0)

centroid("../../geo1/explodedview2", 1)

centroid("../../geo1/explodedview2", 2)

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dims are exactly the same, it's just an offset. (if you enable radii in bound, the halflengths correspond exactly to the bbox vex snippets)

- the box is EXACTLY centered at Origin.

- the bound box is offset to where the centre of the cluster of balls is...not necessarily = Origin

Edited by Noobini
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  • rbesca changed the title to bbox() and bound node giving different results (solved)

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