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ACES for Attribute from map

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Hello everybody,

I have just met with the ACES workflow, and as I m new to it, I don't fully understand it. Could anybody tell me, if I need to convert to ACES color space a texture (specifically jpeg) in order to use it in Attribute from Map node?

I know that we have to convert color (diffuse or albedo) textures and we should not convert data textures like bump and normal maps. But in case of Attribute from Map?

I m confused as on one hand the Cd attribute (or any other attribute) derived by the node is a data. On other hand it is derived from colors.

So the question is, to convert or not convert to ACES?


Thanks in advance.

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You have to convert all jpgs, pngs, etc into ACES CG not matter what you used it for, the same goes with your HDRs, linear EXR, etc. If you want to work in ACES.
Also, it depends on your render of choice if fully works in ACES. There is a lot to it. 

This is the best resource out there, explains everything in detail, it is long but I would highly recommend it. 

If you want something shorter, Check this one from Toad.


Edited by Sepu
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Thanks for the reply, Sepu!

I have already checked both of these resources, and although they are very informative and useful, especially Chris Brejon's book (all chapters, not only ACES one), there are some areas that seems unclear for me.

I understand that for renders, we should convert all textures to ACEScg. So as I understand from your reply, this is also should be applied to the textures if they are used in the Attribute from Maps node.

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10 hours ago, Zigmund said:

Thanks for the reply, Sepu!

I have already checked both of these resources, and although they are very informative and useful, especially Chris Brejon's book (all chapters, not only ACES one), there are some areas that seems unclear for me.

I understand that for renders, we should convert all textures to ACEScg. So as I understand from your reply, this is also should be applied to the textures if they are used in the Attribute from Maps node.

You should only convert color textures: textures which directly define color on your surfaces, such as albedo maps or environment maps. You should not convert data maps such as roughness or bump maps etc.

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