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RedShift motionblur problem

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Can anyone suggest what might be going on here, as soon as i check on the motionblur in Redshift, I get some crazy motion blur, I've tried messing with the motionblur settings

in the redshift rop, tried adding trail sops with computer velocity on them, can't see to get rid of the problem, unless i switch off enable motion blur in redshift.

Any help would be really appreciated.




Edited by craigls
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it depends a lot on what kind of geometry you're dealing with, and how it is animated. Is it Xform anim ? Deformed geo ? Particles ?

You need to give more info, or better a .hip file in order to get proper help.

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On 2020-04-10 at 1:09 AM, craigls said:

 tried adding trail sops with computer velocity on them, can't see to get rid of the problem,




As an addon to what 6ril said, on the object level node in the first redshift tab there is a checkbox called "Deformations/Instances/Particles blur from velocity attribute". I don't think the V attribute does anything for motion blur unless that is checked. Of course this only applies if the animation is done in SOPS or coming from a particle sim in DOPS.

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