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Tcl/Tk for Houdini


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Another good link is:


I've dabbled with Visual Tcl in the past but not with Houdini. Reading the specs, for Visual Tcl and tkBuilder, Houdini should work with them fine. That is probably the easiest way to create custom GUI's in Houdini.

Ok, so if you're lazy, make sure you go to this page where it gives you all the tutorials:


In particular, a good one page intro on tcl is here:


I'm really busy for the next two weeks. But if you want to bug me about it afterwards, I'd be happy to figure out and write a short tutorial on how to build custom graphical tk interfaces in Houdini using Visual Tcl or tkBuilder.


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Thanks Dante!

I just started learning Tcl/Tk and so far I'm doing fine (it appers to be preaty straightforward) but what more interests me is how to make Tcl scripts to interact with Houdini.

I know this is done trough hscript but I want to find out the details. You know.Stuff like how to retreve data from Houdini and pass it back on etc. For example, how to set Variables inside Houdini from Tcl/Tk script or a frame range or visibility of objects and so on.

Guess for this I need to know hscript as well, right?

It'll be really great if you put togethr that little tutorial you mentioned.

Anyway. If you don't, it's ok. I don't want you to feel obligated.

Thanks again for your help. :D

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to learn hscript:

-one afternoon (okay maybe two :) )

-a textport

-type in "help"

-get list of commands, and read the interesting-looking one's help!

(the :ch: functions and the :op: functions....)

now you know enough hscript to do a lot of damage.

-grab a hot cup o' joe and pat yourself on the back!

have fun!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so here's a first draft of the Tcl/Tk tutorial that I promised. It turned out to be a lot more work to write than I thought. It's 3:45am now and I'm going to sleep. I've only managed to do 2 screen shots. Anyone wants to take a crack at it, correct the mistakes, and add some more meat or screen shots for it? :) I'll be busy tomorrow so maybe I'll work some more on it next week.




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cool...thanks Dante,

I've been wondering if Houdini has anything like Maya's 'echo all commands' in the script editor...with this feature on you can see exactly the code used to do each of your actions - it makes learning mel and writing scripts so much easier....

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Thank you Dante, went through it. Nice learning :).

Arctor, I'm not sure such feature makes sense in houdini. Since it's purely non linear, all you care is a "state" of your network, there's no particular order in which actions must take place. You can always echo to screen or file any piece or the whole scene. Also in houdini one massages data with exernal programming languages that afterwards call appropiate "hscript blah $blahblah". So some kind of "output code as you go" isn't much useful really?

this is dangerous land for me... i better go back to my hole

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