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Using Houdini 18 For Bricklaying (UK)


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As a newbie to Houdini 18 and about to start course in bricklaying, I was wondering if anyone had any advice or expertise in one or both of these disciplines.

In my mind's eye I'm thinking that I could use the proceduralism of Houdini 18 using a grid system set to the measurements of a British Standards brick size of 215 x 102.5 x 65mm, and then use this grid as a template if I were to superimpose an image onto it.
Then use coloured bricks (maybe to start with a monochromatic design just using white and black bricks). I know you could simply paint the bricks on a wall, but that's not what I want to do.
There are also various types of how the brick is laid out in a wall that seem to be a standard (English bond, Flemish bond, stretcher bond etc). All these could be incorporated into a template. I'm an utter beginner at both though. This is purely thoughts swirling about in my head at the moment.

I'm going through the basic tutorials now, just wanted to post a request here just in case a Houdini user would have useful tips and tricks that could help especially with regard to how to create a set of templates. 
Also, any courses recommendations appreciated too.


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