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Joy of Vex 7 coding issue


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i'm going through the "Joy of Vex" and i've run into an issue at day 7.

this code (below) isn't giving me the results of this gif.


 int pt = nearpoint(1,@P);
 vector pos = point(1,'P',pt);
 float d = distance(@P, pos);
 d *= ch('scale');
 d += rand(pt);
 d -= @Time;
 @P.y = chramp('pulse',d)*ch('amp');




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Oh, and when I cancel out the rand(pt); it gets closer to the example gif.

but still, I'd love to know what the right code is for getting that random positioning.

int pt = nearpoint(1,@P);
 vector pos = point(1,'P',pt);
 float d = distance(@P, pos);
 d *= ch('scale');
 //d += rand(pt);
 d -= @Time;
 @P.y = chramp('pulse',d)*ch('amp');
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The reason it doesn't look like in the GIF is because you connected your grid with "pointwrangle2" to your second input of "pointwrangle3". 
Connect your scattered points to the second input of "pointwrangle3" and you'll see that the VEX code does what it's supposed to do.

Edited by dleonhardt
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