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Python States problem dynamic binding uisoparm handle


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I need to create a HDA with uisoparm handle which will be show/hide on hotkey, and dynamically tune different parameters in my hda. For example by pressing some hotkey it will tune param0, and after pressing same hotkey it will tune param1, etc...

The problem is that I can't understand why uisoparm handle doesn't shows in viewport after its creation. Another handles like circle, xform, vector works fine. 

template.bindHandle("circle", "my_handle")

But uisoparm handle doesn't appear in viewport , and I can't understand why

here is example of my code. also I attached a hip file with hda.

import hou
import viewerstate.utils as su

class State(object):
    def __init__(self, state_name, scene_viewer):
        self.state_name = state_name
        self.scene_viewer = scene_viewer
        self.node = None
        self.start_pt = None
        self.end_pt = None

        self.displayRotHandle = True
        self.start_handle = hou.Handle(self.scene_viewer, "rotate_start") 
        self.end_handle = hou.Handle(self.scene_viewer, "rotate_end") 

        self.displayCarveHandle = True
        self.carve0_handle = hou.Handle(self.scene_viewer, "carve_0")
        self.carve1_handle = hou.Handle(self.scene_viewer, "carve_1")

    def onEnter(self, kwargs):
        self.node = kwargs["node"]

        # rotation handles init
        self.start_handle.disableParms(["tx", "ty", "tz", "rx", "rz"])
        self.end_handle.disableParms(["tx", "ty", "tz", "rx", "rz"])
        self.displayRotHandle = True

        # carve handles init
        self.carve0_handle.enableParms(["input", "k","onoff"])
        self.carve1_handle.enableParms(["input", "k","onoff"])
        self.displayCarveHandle = True

        self.start_pt = self.node.node("start_pt").geometry()
        self.end_pt = self.node.node("end_pt").geometry()

    def onMouseEvent(self, kwargs):
        """ Find the position of the point to add by 
            intersecting the construction plane. 
        ui_event = kwargs["ui_event"]
        device = ui_event.device()
        origin, direction = ui_event.ray()

        return True

    def onKeyEvent(self, kwargs):
        ui_device = kwargs["ui_event"].device()
        self.key_pressed = ui_device.keyString()  

        if self.key_pressed == "a":
            if self.displayRotHandle == True:
                self.scene_viewer.showHandle("rotate_start", 0)
                self.scene_viewer.showHandle("rotate_end", 0)
                self.scene_viewer.showHandle("carve_0", 0)
                self.scene_viewer.showHandle("carve_1", 0)
                self.displayRotHandle = False
            else :
                self.displayRotHandle = True
                self.scene_viewer.showHandle("rotate_start", 1)
                self.scene_viewer.showHandle("rotate_end", 1)
                self.scene_viewer.showHandle("carve_0", 1)
                self.scene_viewer.showHandle("carve_1", 1)
        return True

    def onHandleToState(self, kwargs):
        # Called when the user manipulates a handle
        handle_name = kwargs["handle"]
        parms = kwargs["parms"]
        prev_parms = kwargs["prev_parms"]
        node = kwargs["node"]

        if handle_name == self.start_handle.name(): # user manipulates rotation start handle

        if handle_name == self.end_handle.name(): # user manipulates rotation end handle

        if handle_name == self.carve0_handle.name(): # user manipulates carve 0 handle

        if handle_name == self.carve1_handle.name(): # user manipulates carve 1 handle

    def onStateToHandle(self, kwargs):
        # Called when the user changes parameter(s), so you can update dynamic handles if necessary

        handle = kwargs["handle"]
        handle_parms = kwargs["parms"]
        node = kwargs["node"]

        if self.start_pt != None:
            pos_start = self.start_pt.point(0).position()
            pos_start = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        if self.end_pt != None:
            pos_end = self.end_pt.point(0).position()
            pos_end = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        if handle == "rotate_start":
            handle_parms["tx"] = pos_start[0]
            handle_parms["ty"] = pos_start[1]
            handle_parms["tz"] = pos_start[2]

        if handle == "rotate_end":
            handle_parms["tx"] = pos_end[0]
            handle_parms["ty"] = pos_end[1]
            handle_parms["tz"] = pos_end[2]

        if handle == "carve_0" :
             handle_parms["k"] = 0

        if handle == "carve_1" :
             handle_parms["k"] = 1

def createViewerStateTemplate():
    """ Mandatory entry point to create and return the viewer state 
        template to register. """

    state_typename = kwargs["type"].definition().sections()["DefaultState"].contents()
    state_label = "Denis test dynamic handle"
    state_cat = hou.sopNodeTypeCategory()

    template = hou.ViewerStateTemplate(state_typename, state_label, state_cat)

    template.bindHandle("circle", "rotate_start")
    template.bindHandle("circle", "rotate_end")

    template.bindHandle("uisoparm", "carve_0", "ownerop('carve_0') owneropgroup('group')", cache_previous_parms=True, handle_parms=["input", "k","onoff"] )
    template.bindHandle("uisoparm", "carve_1", "ownerop('carve_0') owneropgroup('group')", cache_previous_parms=True, handle_parms=["input", "k","onoff"]  )

    return template



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