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The Old Sidefx Video Tutorials

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Thanks for the link arctor. There is a side note I hear that with autorigs your a very, very, very sick man. I have read the help page for auto rig and am still struggle with it in the software. Is there any way that you could break it down for me in a non-technical way, I know that sound bad. I am not as technical as most people on this forum.

Sending rig info from one file to another in the otls and bgeo files is confusing me. I just need someone tell just what am I trying to do.

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it might be best for you to describe in simple terms what you'd like to achieve...

as for the SESI auto-rig...there is a video tutorial...but beyone that it's really just a matter of taking it apart to see what it's really doing - this is not a trivial matter!...I've spent a few /months/ building an auto rig system here at work, different than the SESI rig (beyond the obvious) to fit our needs and every day there is something that needs adjusting and aproaches that need re-thinking...we just did an overhaul of some of the rigs and they are much better than they were but they're still not nearly as fast as we'd like them to be....it's an ongoing project :)

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hi there,

so...arctor, do u thing that houdini is a good appz to do rigs? Or is still poor doing that?

(pd:i'm still looking how to do a point constraint! XD)

Feature-wise it's very good. I'd dare to say it's probably the best app for that (and yes, I know what XSI and Maya are capable of). It could be faster, though.

For point constraints, there are a million ways to do it, depending on what you need and where your ops are located (you want to constrain an OBJ to another, some geometry to another inside an OBJ etc). Take a look at the Rivet OBJ, Sticky OBJ, Blend OBJ, also CHOPs can be used (import only the needed point with the Geometry CHOP and then export it where you want). There are also the "point" and "primitive" expressions. And a lot more... :)


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