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Expression challenge


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Have a expression problem but not sure if I can keep the logic in a single expression.
Right now I am using the following expression which works fine
Lets call this expression 'A'


However what I need to happen is when a different expression (lets call it 'B') results in an even number I need to either add or subtract .5 from expression A
This is expression 'B'. Paremeter name insetDepth which is same name as the parent HDA integer parameter being referenced.



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Hey Artemis the expression should be something along those lines if I understand correctly what you are trying to achieve:


the only part I am not sure about is what drives the addition or subtraction of 0.5. Should there be another if statement there? 

If you need to add even more code in the expression I would definitely try to do it in a wrangle cause it starts to get massive already :) 

Hope that helps!

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