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Split an object by class attribute into separate geometry nodes in Python


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I am new to Python. I have been avoiding it for sometime.

I have an object which is split into 100 tiles via connectivity and a class attribute which I would like to export into Unreal engine but as 100 separate static meshes. Therefore I would like to split the geometry into 100 different Geometry nodes in a subnetwork, appropriately named.

How would I go about achieving this using Python?


Thanks in advance



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20 hours ago, konstantin magnus said:

Hi Daniel,

maybe this thread could get you started:


Thanks Magnus, you're a wonderful fellow. This worked great, I seem to be doing the exact same project you did 3 years ago.

To anyone reading. To add a Python expression to your Geometry File Path, you need to set the node to Python instead of H script (top right hand corner) then KEYFRAME THE PARAMETER (alt left-click Geometry File input) then you can add your Python expression. I am new to Python so created the file path in VEX then promoted it to a detail attribute and used.


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