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How to freeze Smoke


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Hi guys I am working on a pyro sim which is like a heavy smoke a bit like dry ice or liquid nitrogen filling a container and the idea is that at a certain point the smoke should start to freeze ending up turning into ice, but im not really sure how to aproach this concept, any leads?

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1 hour ago, maiden666 said:

Delete Channel [Frame] and paste the required frame number

Yeah i was thinking about that but im not sure how would it look because the freezing should be dynamic, i mean the smoke should be turning into ice as it reaches a specific area maybe i should get the frame that i want an then use a mask to dynamically  show to geometry while the smoke fades out?


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I think you are going to have to do some kind of wacky smoke retime thing where you slow the smoke right down until it stops.  At the same time, you take the same density VDB and convert it to a surface and erode/unerode it so it looks like it is forming from the smoke.  Then you will probably want to treat that further by adding some procedural noise so it begins to look like ice and doing some blending in the shader.  Then rendering in a million layers and AOVs and comping the heck out of it.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/7/2023 at 7:32 PM, Luismarmay said:

Yeah i was thinking about that but im not sure how would it look because the freezing should be dynamic, i mean the smoke should be turning into ice as it reaches a specific area maybe i should get the frame that i want an then use a mask to dynamically  show to geometry while the smoke fades out?


HeymrCatfish, sry for the late response, i must have missed the notification... i've already solved it  by doing more or less the same thing, than you very much

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