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Cpio Useful Stuff


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//save nodes

import hou

# set directory to save cpio
dirPath = "DIRECTORY"

def SaveTemplate(name):

    sel = hou.selectedNodes()
    path = sel[0].path()
    nodeCategoryName = sel[0].type().category().name()
    pathSplit = path.split("/")
    getRootPath = "/".join(pathSplit)
    rootName = getRootPath[1:].replace("/","_")
    contextnode = hou.node(getRootPath)
    filename = "{}/{}_{}".format(dirPath, nodeCategoryName, name + ".cpio")
    contextnode.saveItemsToFile(sel, filename, save_hda_fallbacks = False)
    hou.ui.displayMessage("Success!\n" + "Save File: "+filename)
    print("Save File: "+filename)

Dialog = hou.ui.readInput(message ="Save Select Nodes?\n",title = "Save Template",severity=hou.severityType.Message,buttons=["Save","Cancel"])

//import nodes

import hou
import os

# directory to open cpio
dirPath = "DIRECTORY"

files = os.listdir(dirPath)
fileList = [f for f in files if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirPath, f))]

def ImportTemplate(filename):
    desktop = hou.ui.curDesktop()
    pane =  desktop.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor)
    current_context = pane.pwd().path()
    contextnode = hou.node(current_context)
    nodes = contextnode.loadItemsFromFile(filename, ignore_load_warnings=False)
    sel = hou.selectedNodes()
    firstNodePos = sel[0].position()
    for node in sel:
        node.position() + hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor).visibleBounds().center() - firstNodePos

Dialog = hou.ui.selectFromList(fileList, message='Select Import File')
if len(Dialog)!=0:
    for i in Dialog:
        ImportTemplate("{}/{}".format(dirPath, fileList[i]))

For Speed.Save Nodes-Open Nodes , endless possibility for making a Diff Setups . Have Fun.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Tesan,

Just a thought to consider, you might want to look into using selectedItems() instead of selectedNodes(). 

Items includes dot, sticky notes and networkBoxes. If you use selectedNodes, then all the dots are not going to get copied over and the connections are lost. Very frustrating if you find it mid production and you rely on the tool.


Great stuff!

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