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Houdini Hipfile Diff Tool


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I've developed a Houdini Hipfile Diff Tool to address the challenge of tracking changes in Houdini hipfiles. This tool, inspired by 'git diff', offers a dual-view comparison, visual indicators for changes, synchronized navigation, and a search feature. It's tailored for the Houdini environment using hython 3.9.

The tool is open-source and available on my GitHub:https://github.com/golubevcg/hip_file_diff_tool

I also have a small article on my website about this tool: https://golubevcg.com/post/comparing_hipfiles_in_houdini:_the_diff_tool

Feedback and collaboration are welcome. If you encounter any bugs or issues, please don't hesitate to send me a message. Let's refine our Houdini tools together.




Edited by golubevcg
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1 hour ago, Jesper Rahlff said:

Super useful. Is this a wrapper around the diff tool that ships with houdini via command line?

Not exactly - it just uses the hou module to iterate over each node and each param of the node, and in the end, it just compares two dict between source and target scenes.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey Jesper!
My apologies for such a late answer!
So, most of the testing I did was on small-to medium-sized scenes, and it worked quite well. Some friends of mine tested on several larger scenes - no complaints yet. If will you have any problems, please feel free to reach out!

Edited by golubevcg
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I've just released Version 1.1 of Hip Diff Tool.

Key Highlights of v1.1:
- Enhanced Visibility: Node input connections are now visible in diffs.
- UserDataDict Support: Added support for diffs in per node userDataDicts.
- String Diff Window: New window for comparing longer strings, scripts, or dictionaries.
- Efficient Collaboration: new option to share links to specific nodes or string diff windows, integrated into studio workflows with environment variable setup.
- Simplified Defaults: 'Show only edited' is now checked by default.
- API Enhancements: Significant improvements and refactorings for a smoother experience.
- Improved API unit testing coverage.

For a more detailed description of the update, visit my website: https://golubevcg.com/post/what's_new_in_my_hipfile_diff_tool_v1.1_update

As usual, the source code for this tool is available for everyone for free through my github repository: https://github.com/golubevcg/hip_file_diff_tool

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