Bend antennae on moving object - Animation & Rigging - od|forum Jump to content

Bend antennae on moving object


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Hello everyone !! I just signed up and very happy to join the community.

I'm mainly a modeler but I'm spending more and more time on Houdini. I have a quick question and your answers will save me a lot of time.

I animated a vessel on a very stormy sea and there are long and thin antennas on this ship. They're supposed to be flexible (like fishing rods basically, less at the base than at the tip), and I have to animate them. What do you think is the best way to simulate this bending movement properly? With vellum this must be possible (?) Thanks in advance

(And also sorry for my broken English)

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There are a few ways to do this.  Yes, you could sim with vellum using a vellum soft body, or you could get the antennas and use the lab straight skeleton to get strands from them and use vellum hair or you could use the secondary motion sop from Kinefx to get some nice motion, but It really depends on your input, is it an ABC already animated? or are you animating in H?  - There are probably more ways that I'm not thinking of at the moment 

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@MichaelRoots Play with this setup ..investigate -Attach Boat and scatter some points- ..just investigate I use this for insects Hair :wub:..or Post 50 % of your Scene .play with stiffness. Like @Sepu  mentioned  It really depends on your input. Have Fun

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Edited by Librarian
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Thanks a lot you two guys  !!

@Librarian I'm going to look at your setup, from what I see it looks perfectly like what I want.
@Sepu The secondry motion Kinefx  SOP (I looked a little on YouTube

seems to do perfectly the job.


I animated the boat myself in Houdini, for the moment I have an overall point of view of how to animate my curves, I don't yet know how to transfer that to my geometry. Another 3 or 4 days of caching and my computer will be available to study all this.


THX again guys, I'll keep u posted

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