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Hello everyone, I'm working on a very specific earth/ground blast. Inorder to keep the max control I decided to create pre sim wich would be used as a source for the main simulation later. Or I'm going to build it in directly and blend it with a pyro solver over time.

Anyways, the goal of my setup is to create blast trails wich have an outward momentum. But having a vel field wich pushes density outward causes mushroom with a pyro solver because of the nature of divergence correction. A custom solution should help me out but I'm stuck cause the vel field is not expending but keeps clipping to the density source region. Even vel is advecting vel.

There is already a post which seem to had a simular issue but it didn't work for me. advecting velocity by itself.


Any ideas?




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Need to go all with gassubstep, check the structure/logic inside smokesolver or search "houdini pyro from a scratch" examples.

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