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Hello everyone! For the past 8 weeks I have been working on a Japanese Town House generator! This project was made for Breda University of Applied Sciences as a part of my Block A.


This is my first Houdini project, so if anyone has feedback for me it would be greatly appreciated. 

The project was made from scratch as I did not find the built-in Labs building generator easy to build upon.

The building generator allows you to change both the roof tiles, the lattices, the windows and the flags for different variances. The size of the building is determined by user placed bounding box, so the tool is able to generate an entire street from just a blockout!


Here you can see a diagram of the basic logic used to generate the buildings, excluding the preview mesh generation.


I have also made a short video using PDG to showcase different ways that the building generator can create distinct and unique outputs:

 Here is the tool working in Houdini  

And finally, the tool working in Unreal!


Thank you everyone for reading, if you have any questions please ask away!


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