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Maya2houdini Convertor


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i don't know what it means but <3 to you if you get this done! :D

I'm not sure that there is a much sense to do it (actually I'm pretty sure there is no sense to do it but it's you business...).

HIP file is an old CPIO archive which can store in one file folders structure. So as one can assume fairly certainly these numbers are cpio specific features. What is an internal structure of a hip file you can easily see by opening it with 7zip (be sure you open *.hip file, not *hipnc).

You can't just translate "ma" to "hip" as they differ in semantic sense. They describe different type of entities. So quite often there are no equivalents. Try to COLLADA export from Maya to Houdini.

But if you really want to get a try use hscript or python script as a Houdini scene generator. You won't have to bother with all specialties of HIP file. Hscripts can create any Houdini object from a list of parameters which you supply from Maya.

As a example see "opscript" command in texport. It will tell you precisely what hscript command you need to create specific Houdini's object.

good luck!


PS If you really want to write something useful, make collada Exporter for Houdini ;).

Edited by SYmek
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