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houdini wedges deadline

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I have configured Deadline to work between Windows and Linux, it works perfectly submiting as single cache, thanks to Igor Zanic who has helped me the linux part.

I only have a problem with submiting the wedges, I am including a screenshot, I don't know if this method is the correct for both windows and linux workers, it only works for me on Windows, the linux one is getting issues on log, I don't know how to solve it. maybe anyone know?

also i attach the hip





Edited by polterizer
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I configured as old wedge method but only works if i do "render wedge" from wedge sop see the screenshot. submit deadline from deadline node is not working. i paste the log:




Error: Caught exception: Failed to modify node or parameter because of a permission error. Possible causes include locked assets, takes, product permissions or user specified permissions

at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(Task task, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)








Stack Trace


at Deadline.Plugins.SandboxedPlugin.d(DeadlineMessage bgt, CancellationToken bgu)

at Deadline.Plugins.SandboxedPlugin.RenderTask(Task task, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.c(TaskLogWriter ajx, CancellationToken ajy)





2025-03-21 21:09:32: 0: Loading Job's Plugin timeout is Disabled

2025-03-21 21:09:32: 0: SandboxedPlugin: Render Job As User disabled, running as current user 'Administrator'

2025-03-21 21:09:33: 0: Executing plugin command of type 'Initialize Plugin'

2025-03-21 21:09:33: 0: INFO: Executing plugin script 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\polter-FX\plugins\67ddd57fd14c05041c32456c\Houdini.py'

2025-03-21 21:09:33: 0: INFO: Plugin execution sandbox using Python version 3

2025-03-21 21:09:33: 0: INFO: About: Houdini Plugin for Deadline

2025-03-21 21:09:33: 0: INFO: The job's environment will be merged with the current environment before rendering

2025-03-21 21:09:33: 0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Initialize Plugin'

2025-03-21 21:09:33: 0: Start Job timeout is disabled.

2025-03-21 21:09:33: 0: Task timeout is disabled.

2025-03-21 21:09:33: 0: Loaded job: old_wedge - /out/wedges{WEDGE #0} (67ddd57fd14c05041c32456c)

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: Executing plugin command of type 'Start Job'

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: DEBUG: S3BackedCache Client is not installed.

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Executing global asset transfer preload script 'C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\polter-FX\plugins\67ddd57fd14c05041c32456c\GlobalAssetTransferPreLoad.py'

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Looking for legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer...

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Looking for legacy (pre-10.0.26) File Transfer controller in C:/Program Files/Thinkbox/S3BackedCache/bin/task.py...

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Could not find legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer.

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer is not installed on the system.

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Start Job'

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 1-120

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: Executing plugin command of type 'Render Task'

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Set HOUDINI_PATHMAP to {"K:/":"K:/", "/mnt/_houdini/":"K:/", "$HOUDINI":"K:/"}

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Redshift Path Mapping...

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: source: "K:\" dest: "K:\"

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: source: "/mnt/_houdini/" dest: "K:\"

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: source: "$HOUDINI" dest: "K:\"

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: [REDSHIFT_PATHOVERRIDE_FILE] now set to: "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\polter-FX\jobsData\67ddd57fd14c05041c32456c\RSMapping_tempuexP90\RSMapping.txt"

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Starting Houdini Job

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Stdout Redirection Enabled: True

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: QT Popup Handling Enabled: False

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.* Popup Handling Enabled: False

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Creating New Console: False

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Running as user: Administrator

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Executable: "C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 20.5.445\bin\hython.exe"

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: CheckPathMapping: Swapped "K:/utiles/old_wedge.hip" with "K:\utiles/old_wedge.hip"

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Argument: "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\polter-FX\plugins\67ddd57fd14c05041c32456c\hrender_dl.py" -f 1 120 1 -g -d /out/wedges -tempdir "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\polter-FX\jobsData\67ddd57fd14c05041c32456c\0_tempSVFNs0" -arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail 1 "K:/utiles/old_wedge.hip"

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Full Command: "C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 20.5.445\bin\hython.exe" "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\polter-FX\plugins\67ddd57fd14c05041c32456c\hrender_dl.py" -f 1 120 1 -g -d /out/wedges -tempdir "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\polter-FX\jobsData\67ddd57fd14c05041c32456c\0_tempSVFNs0" -arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail 1 "K:/utiles/old_wedge.hip"

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Startup Directory: "C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 20.5.445\bin"

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Process Affinity: default

2025-03-21 21:09:34: 0: INFO: Process is now running

2025-03-21 21:09:35: 0: STDOUT: Detected Houdini version: (20, 5, 445)

2025-03-21 21:09:35: 0: STDOUT: ['C:\\ProgramData\\Thinkbox\\Deadline10\\workers\\polter-FX\\plugins\\67ddd57fd14c05041c32456c\\hrender_dl.py', '-f', '1', '120', '1', '-g', '-d', '/out/wedges', '-tempdir', 'C:\\ProgramData\\Thinkbox\\Deadline10\\workers\\polter-FX\\jobsData\\67ddd57fd14c05041c32456c\\0_tempSVFNs0', '-arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail', '1', 'K:/utiles/old_wedge.hip']

2025-03-21 21:09:35: 0: STDOUT: Start: 1

2025-03-21 21:09:35: 0: STDOUT: End: 120

2025-03-21 21:09:35: 0: STDOUT: Increment: 1

2025-03-21 21:09:35: 0: STDOUT: Ignore Inputs: True

2025-03-21 21:09:35: 0: STDOUT: No output specified. Output will be handled by the driver

2025-03-21 21:09:35: 0: STDOUT: Driver: /out/wedges

2025-03-21 21:09:35: 0: STDOUT: Input File: K:/utiles/old_wedge.hip

2025-03-21 21:09:35: 0: STDOUT: Begin Path Mapping

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: b''

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: b''

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: Setting variable "HIP" to K:\utiles

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: Setting variable "HIPFILE" to K:\utiles/old_wedge.hip

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: End Path Mapping

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: ROP type: wedge

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: Error: Caught exception: Failed to modify node or parameter because of a permission error. Possible causes include locked assets, takes, product permissions or user specified permissions

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: Traceback (most recent call last):

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: File "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\polter-FX\plugins\67ddd57fd14c05041c32456c\hrender_dl.py", line 559, in <module>

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: renderNode.parm("f1").set(startFrame)

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: File "C:\PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.445/houdini/python3.10libs\houpythonportion\Parm.py", line 97, in set

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: self._set(value)

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: File "C:\PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.445/houdini/python3.10libs\hou.py", line 71834, in _set

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: return _hou.Parm__set(self, *args)

2025-03-21 21:09:36: 0: STDOUT: hou.PermissionError: Failed to modify node or parameter because of a permission error. Possible causes include locked assets, takes, product permissions or user specified permissions

2025-03-21 21:09:37: 0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Render Task'



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