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Snowy Spruce


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I'm trying to make realistic snow in Houdini with particles and metaballs. But i've discovered some problems... I don't know how to make metaballs smaller at the end of branches...


So, i need in good advices how to change metaball's radius towards the ends of branches :) I'm thinking how i can use bounding objects...

Here is my latest test (rendered in 3dmax):


How to make snow fluffy (larger metaballs) in the areas where i have many particles? And smaller metaballs near branch borders? :)

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not sure about getting smaller metaballs at the ends of branches...been a long day...

but from the above image I don't think you really need to worry about it...that's what this kind of heavy wet snow looks like on spruce/pine etc...

a better improvement might be to figure out a way to knock chunks off from random areas...

keep up the good work

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Snx for help :) I think that measure SOP can't help me - actually i have very different polygon's areas, for example - long and thin one.

I'm thinking about Bounding Box - but how to use this variables with rounded trees? With pine, spruce etc. So, i'm currently thinking about making low-poly envelope around my tree (bounding object) and calculating distance from this envelope to particles. For example - if particle located near my envelope (how to check this?) then metaball's radius has to be smaller.

Another idea - to make envelope around main branches, group particles inside/outside and use this groups to modify the size.

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It all depends on how you generate your base geometry.

though it might be possible i cannot reverse engineer this from your network screenshot.

I'd try to isolate the branches as lines to scale the metaballs based on $PT.

But this doesn't explain the popnetwork - does it "grow your snow"?

Maybe there is something inside the popnet that can be used too.


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Rendering in mantra takes near 20 min! Its terrible! But i don't know how to improve render time, i'm novice in mantra :)

In this scene i have 1.3 million vertices, raytraced shadows and Global Illumination (full irradiance, 32 samples)

If i do renders with Global Illumination Matra renders 2 frames - 1st something white 256x256 and 2nd goes my picture. After turning off Global Illumination mantra doesn't render 1st white frame...


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