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Houdini 10 Wish List


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Yes, but the viewer won't display them either. Note that adding vertex normal support is non-trivial since a sweep over all SOPs is required to deal with vertex normals. Nevermind, adding whatever new parameters that are natural for using vertex normals.

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Yes, but the viewer won't display them either. Note that adding vertex normal support is non-trivial since a sweep over all SOPs is required to deal with vertex normals. Nevermind, adding whatever new parameters that are natural for using vertex normals.

Unfortunately the lack of vertex normal support is Houdini's Achilles Heel. It's absolutely necessary to have this support or it'll always be an awkward shoe-horning process whenever Houdini has to interact with any other software - something which is happening more and more lately. SESI have known about this limitation for many a year and it's unfortunate that now with lower prices and FBX/Collada support and the drive into artist markets that this problem still rears its ugly head.

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And, I'd like to add another wish or two:

- Please can we fix the CreateScript embedding issues for ROP HDAs to be exactly consistent with the rest of Houdini? It's pain in the butt to have to explode OTLs every time I edit it. (See http://forums.odforce.net/index.php?showto...st&p=45017)

- Please can we add a SOHO tessellator, which could tessellate to poly triangles from any geometry type on the fly.

- Please can we add a soho.warning() to yellow flag ROPs.

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My first post in this long thread. :)

a. A SOP to position any geometry to the origin in a specified axis. This will allow better and more efficient generation of SDFs in DOPs. In addition, the SOP will extract any transformation of the geometry so the geometry can be transformed to its original position after processing. The extracted transformation can also be used to transform any other geometry for proxy geometry setup, for example. Even better will be to have a corresponding DOP which can read the transformation from the SOP so the RBD object will be transformed correctly in DOPs.

b. SDF support in POP networks instead of setting it up in DOPs.

c. mantra to support velocity blur attribute with Delayed Load procedural.

That's all for now.



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Most was said before, so only the things that I haven't seen so far

1. Ability to read and add point,primitive, vertex and detail attributes in the same way.

2. Full edge support as geometry entity. for example groupsops that can group edges, by their length, borders and so on, also access in vex

3. More Options for the raySop, project only if the hitSurface normal fits certain criterias for example

4. Custom Curve widgets in for parameters also in shader context for example to control a falloff

5. gradient node in shading context

6. More options in the sequenceBlendSOP to control the interpolation, like cardinal or spline, not just linear

7. More vex nodes, for example to import a curve description, or a complete transform of a obj/node

8. much more speed with character tools. envelope deformation for example must run and interact much faster

9. an interactive mode for dynamics

9. threaded particles

10. treaded rbds

11. better ogl support of instances, a way to see them whenever a objects has a instance prop on it at any time. and shaded display


Edited by sanostol
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