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Combining Objects?


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Hi Everyone. I hope you can help me with this problem i got. I think it is simple but i cant figure it out.

I have made all the panels for a cg terrarium, and they are seperate objects. They are all polys, and i have beveled all the edges. But i dont know what to do from here on, i cant figure out how to sellect points from two seperate objects so i can fuse them.

There are 8 panels total, and think it would be the best to get them together in a good way so i dont get any light leaks. I hope someone can help me.

Thank you all very much. Mark

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In order to fuse points together, this needs to be done in the Geometry context in which case you need to have all the geometry inside a single Geometry Obj. You can do this a few different ways.

One would be to use an Object Merge SOP to merge in each panel and then wire the object merge SOPs into a merge SOP. After the Merge SOP, add a facet SOP and change Consolidate Parameter to Consolidate Points Fast.

The other would be to copy and paste your different Geometry networks into one Geometry Object and use a merge SOP and facet SOP

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someone using 9 can correct me if I'm wrong but..

I think you can simply go into 'component mode' (maya shudder) and select the points you want to fuse then in the viewport hit TAB > Fuse

Houdini will make a new object (I think) and merge in all the different objects then apply the fuse operator...

note that I think this is ridiculous...

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I don't think you can select more then one object's components in viewport. If you select component mode you automatically fall into one of object - missing a chance for selecting points in other one...

Can be wrong though...


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SYmek, thats exactly what happens when i try to do it.

Im used to 3dsmax, so i need to wrap my head around the node thing... still hard for me to understand the concept fully. Thank you all for your help, otherwise i would not have had a clue about what to do.

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The fastest workflow in H9 would be to select the two objects then select Combine (Modify tab on shelf). This will put all the objects into the last selected objects with transform sops to deal with any object level transformations. Then press 2 to get point selection and to go to the geometry level. Select the points then select the Fuse tool.

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re: Symek's reply, from inside an object i believe you can hold down ALT to select components of another object in case that helps

Thanks mark, you're right, this is quite handy, but actually you still stay with one object selection... ;)

As to my self I don't need this feature though... node based approach is clear in that respect. With Shelf tool mentioned by Robert one can easily overcome this "limitation".



Edited by SYmek
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