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where can i find any houdini-python examples?


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Yes, Georg attractor, eh... I mean Lorentz attractor ;), is pretty great example of PythonSOP. Then jut visit a HOM chapter Help. Read the *whole page as there are many nice insights spread across it. You have the link to few examples there also.



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Thanks. I have readed this reference many times. I know pure python excellently but I wish to understand houdini-python. there is not enough information in the houdini help about houdini-python. Is that all examples of use of houdini-python?

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What you're actually interested in? The problem could be familiarization of Houdini itself. For example, I know Python like you, but I have constant problems with Python in Maya, since I hardly know Maya...

Yes, HOM differs much from native Python and has many variants like: Python SOP, Shelf tools, SOHO, whole hou.Node.* business. I would say SOHO is a hardcore ;) but interface with nodes is rather easy.

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I am also interested in exploring some python...

I was trying to create nodes starting from /obj level...

...then creating some child nodes... and renaming them...

How can I find some resources to do the basic things like creating nodes and renaming them...

changing parameters...


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I am also interested in exploring some python...

I was trying to create nodes starting from /obj level...

...then creating some child nodes... and renaming them...

How can I find some resources to do the basic things like creating nodes and renaming them...

changing parameters...


Did you at least look into Help? I don't think so, since all you ask about is there waiting for you. Current HOM state is rather dynamic. Lots of holes, lack of support for many parts of Houdini, but what was already implemented is also explained (which doesn't mean always docstring present :( ) Examples, codes, short explanations, are included in Help. There are of course problems with details like the nature of color object, dynamic parameters creation, or SOHO. But the basic stuff is there.


I know that complaining on Houdini's doc and HOM itself is quite favorite sport many of us, but don't go too far in it. The third snippet from an introductory page about HOM covers all basics like creating operators, evaluating parameters, setting values. There is also always dir() statement ;)



Edited by SYmek
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