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Particles overshooting attractor points


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The scenario is this: I've got a particle system which is attracted to a specific set of goal points. Goal points are made with SOPs and forces are assigned there. They also move relative to the particle system, so the particles have to chase the goals a little bit, then settle in. I'm using Single Point Per Particle on the attractor.

the problem: The particles always overshoot the goal points, never quite catching them. I've tried lots of stuff, including messing with the charge, 'stop at attractor' and just suppressing velocity when they get close enough. Still no joy. I've also tried a VOP POP that measures the distance between particle and attractor point and decreased velocity accordingly. The results were... Interesting.

What's the foolproof, mature, and dignified way to make particles go toward goal points and stick to them?

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Still no joy. I've also tried a VOP POP that measures the distance between particle and attractor point and decreased velocity accordingly. The results were... Interesting.

Instead of using the distance between the particle and attractor to decrease the velocity, you could try and put that into the scale parameter on the attractor?

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how strong is ur original velocity? i had a similiar problem, then realized my inherent velocity was set at bout 13... way too strong for the distance they were traveling... theyd birth and move rather quickly, then kinda slow down past th attractor, but then they continue on past... once i turned down the velocity and added a drag like eetu said, all was well with my particles...

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