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Is there like a node which is similar to FFD in 3D-Max?

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in houdini it[s called lattice, and has two modes

first is lattice and it uses a boxlikeshape as control objec. the points method is like a cage or warp deform and it can use any mesh or point cloud as deformer. the help should help You further

mh, not sure if i really know what the ffd does :)

Edited by sanostol
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use any shape and its deformed version to reshape ur target

in the below example, i used a box to act as a boundary to the teapot/platonic solid.

so the process can be explained as:


The object u want deformed in input 1 of the lattice

the box - unedited in input 2

the box - edited in input 3

the difference between input 2 and input 3 will be applied to input 1.

one thing to note - the divisions of the lattice and the divisions of the box must match.




hope this is what u were wondering about.


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