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Simple but strange camera mapping problem

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hi zasid,

this distortion is normal when you use the uv texture sop to do the camera projection. you have 2 options to work around this:

1. to use a different camera for projection which covers a larger area than the one you're going to render from. this way the distortion will be outside the view of your rendering camera


2. to use render time image projection ( without messing with the object uv )


hope this helps

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Hello guys Thanks for the response.

here is the wireframe

IHAB: I want to render thro a Camera In PAL resolution so I cannot go any bigger than this or should I render bigger and fix it in the comp?? Many thanks.


I think you need to increase the tessalation of polygon object, just check it..



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From that image it looks as if the distortion starts and stops where the geometry intersects with the borders of the image, this would suggest a clipping issue. A higher tesselation of the geometry might help, but will probably shrink the area of effect of the problem to the new tessolated model.

As it seems like a clipping issue, perhaps you could render with an overscan (additional pixels rendered on the sides which you can then crop in comp). What you will need to find out is if the distortion happens only at rendertime or also in your scene viewport (can you see the distortion on the model in the viewport)?

If it is only at rendertime:

- try using two cameras, one for the projection, one to render from. Start by having them at the same position and then start moving the rendercamera backwards and forewards, see if the problem goes away. If not, then it is a projection problem, not a clipping problem.

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From that image it looks as if the distortion starts and stops where the geometry intersects with the borders of the image, this would suggest a clipping issue. A higher tesselation of the geometry might help, but will probably shrink the area of effect of the problem to the new tessolated model.

As it seems like a clipping issue, perhaps you could render with an overscan (additional pixels rendered on the sides which you can then crop in comp). What you will need to find out is if the distortion happens only at rendertime or also in your scene viewport (can you see the distortion on the model in the viewport)?

If it is only at rendertime:

- try using two cameras, one for the projection, one to render from. Start by having them at the same position and then start moving the rendercamera backwards and forewards, see if the problem goes away. If not, then it is a projection problem, not a clipping problem.

Hello Peter ,

the distortion is in the viewport also.I tired the two camera approach got very strange render.


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Hello Peter ,

the distortion is in the viewport also.I tired the two camera approach got very strange render.


I think it just that projection cant find enough polygons to project image on... specially in this kind of camera angle where ground is seen from close to wide.



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