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Maya 2009


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hey people, stop blamming Maya.

At least as a respect for all of us poor people that have to suffer it every day, oh man! I have never suspect what the big is the gap between this software and Houdini.

The most basic thing I have learnt about maya is that if things are hard it does things even harder and complicated.

But now we have Maya assets, ok, following the history of other incredible features in Maya regarding to assets, we will have to wait 3 years to have a system that work, remember the history of references, that in many cases have the same problems as 4 years ago.

Hopefully someday I will return to Houdini, snifff....

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hey man, you don't know what it's like.. [sniff...] [sniff..] try teaching a vfx course with only maya available on campus.. i'm pretty sure i shudder every time i walk in to class.. i think the only thing that keeps me going is the smile on my face each time i quote "and houdini would do be able to handle this without any of this scripting nonsense" throughout the lecture.. hopefully i've converted a few of them already.. :)

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And what about being paid to do your job at a low(er than - in my opinion - acceptable) efficiency?

I'm a tad tired of preaching, not sure I really care to spread the word anymore. :unsure:

Edited by kodiak
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