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Maya 2009


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Maya Assets

With Maya Assets, complex data can be effectively organized, shared, referenced, and presented. Maya Assets enables you to encapsulate a set of nodes into a container so that they can be treated as if they were a single node from a user

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Still, I begin to respect Autodesk marketing in a way. At least they don't lie (or not as much). They just state: we have that functionality.

If that would have been a Softimage press release, it would have read something like "Softimage introduces another groundbreaking innovation to the industry: xsi assets. For the first time, users are able to encapsulate a set of nodes into a container bla bla bla. XSI is the first package to feature such a revolutionary, artist friendly workflow for the management of assets in a studio bla bla bla".

Reading the XSI ICE press releases make me wanna laugh and puke at the same time.


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Still, I begin to respect Autodesk marketing in a way. At least they don't lie (or not as much). They just state: we have that functionality.

If that would have been a Softimage press release, it would have read something like "Softimage introduces another groundbreaking innovation to the industry: xsi assets. For the first time, users are able to encapsulate a set of nodes into a container bla bla bla. XSI is the first package to feature such a revolutionary, artist friendly workflow for the management of assets in a studio bla bla bla".

Reading the XSI ICE press releases make me wanna laugh and puke at the same time.


quoted for agreement

Edited by Tamis
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i suggest massive attack on thievery corporation

Instead of attack, i would love to see SESI implement some features in other packages to H10. :lol:

Like material editor in 3dsmax(instead of piping in and out those procedural texture node in vop and busy assign parameter,

why don't just one click and load the texture in the diffuse slot like the max material editor does.)

Geometry selection tools in maya. ( that will make the whole modelling process a lot easier.)

Few more to mention, but that's all for now. ( you know the list of to be improved)

Indeed, those thievery corporation know their weakness and know how to improve.

Stop feel good about the software we use and ask for improvement. ( sorry, if you think i talk too heavily.)

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Like material editor in 3dsmax(instead of piping in and out those procedural texture node in vop and busy assign parameter,

why don't just one click and load the texture in the diffuse slot like the max material editor does.)

Oh no, please. Max' material "manager" over a node tree? Pffft!! ;) I agree the current process might seem convoluted, but it is helluva lot better than my experience with max. That's my opinion, and I guess it depends on what you are used to (xsi in my case).

I do however agree to the fact that some things is more streamlined in other apps and should be inspirational for the developers.

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Instead of attack, i would love to see SESI implement some features in other packages to H10.

hmm, perhaps i earned place on NSA terrorist list if not everyone was able to understand my joke... :) Perhaps ill be even wearing suit with white stripes and rolling stones around Guantanamo eating red hot chilli peppers.

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Reading the XSI ICE press releases make me wanna laugh and puke at the same time.


Well as digitallysane said, i must add to this that i download the xsi7 trial , to see what this ice stuff is reallt all about and how it is compared to houdini system.

First of all I use xsi at the job , for about 5 years The famous www.POCOYO.com TV KIDS SERIES. So I am quit proficient in all of the areas that the programs has, except for scripting with the HDK.

My first impression ,was that nothing has really change in the 3d aspect. maybe a few new things, and maybe the basic use in a pipe line , the delta referance. Like i said once we are talking about TV series, this is alot of 3d shots, and maybe it is really good for this.

How ever. lets talk about the fx side of things. I don't see nothing positive in the ice system . That is in the way you have to mount the scene , the logical comunication between the the 3d elements and any effect you want to don with this dose not seem really nothing much than a connection system.

I have not spent to much time.

how ever with relation of whatd "igitallysane' say's , I must agree with him. How can anyone say "hey this is now like houdini"

Okay there are node bases for the script aspect, where it seems that a regular 3d guy could begin and do SDK, stuff, I really don't think so.

And the TD's that program with the traditioanl finger boning, I they will keep on finger boning, why because that how they have been working for years.

I am in now way degrading xsi at all.

But I did not see anything like the wire DOPS. not much about fluids. and The particles are basicly the same thing that they already had.

The Dynamic engine is the same one that is in there last versions 5 and 6, 6.5

This was the main reason I jumped into houdini.

well I hope to be proficient some day maybe in a few yeasr, thats in houdini.

Like I said before the guys that get the stuff from one end to the other may have the best looking stuff, thats for the DYNAMICS.


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Like material editor in 3dsmax(instead of piping in and out those procedural texture node in vop and busy assign parameter, why don't just one click and load the texture in the diffuse slot like the max material editor does.)

If they should get inspiration from somewhere, then MAX's material editor is the last place to look.


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just to add some toughts, regarding ICE.

First of all I never used XSi, i "was" a maya user for 10 years now.

Yes, really nothing new compared to houdini, except some nodes which could be very usefull here too.

It has a positive echo anyway, they stepped in right direction.

Other part is that ICE is very very fast.

i installed the trial, just to see how it is working, but really missed the "real" node based workflow, and the ability to write out things to disk where/whenever i want.

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If they should get inspiration from somewhere, then MAX's material editor is the last place to look.

The 3DSMax material editor faster to use and instancing nested maps is trivial.

If we could put multiple shader outputs in the same vops workspace then

instancing would be easier at least.

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  • 1 month later...

QUOTE(kumpa @ Aug 12 2008, 10:41 AM) *

i suggest massive attack on thievery corporation

that could be Tricky.

At any rate that would still give us NO PROTECTION ;)

If they should get inspiration from somewhere, then MAX's material editor is the last place to look.


Quoted for UBER-AGREEMENT. For god

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Isn't autodesk the company that made Autocad 12 and after that (somewhere in 1990) stopped developing anything at all and just started to buy other companies (with the idea that if someone makes something better than them, then just buy it and stop developing it)? Nothing interesting from those guys....

What is interesting though is JC insinuates that Tricky is involved in corperation thievery...

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