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Finefur suggestions ( sample file and image attached )


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i personally don't think this is "natural" looking at all, it's nice, but way to soft, unless that's the look cartoony your going for?

yes it's like the other guys say, it's all in the transparency, colors and the lighting


Here is something I threw together in the last couple of hours while I was working on other stuff. The lighting is not as pink and glowy but you can see it'll get there.

This is completely using the default tools and shaders. Soft lighting, white fur, etc.



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they look nice but the look from the fuzzy toolkit makes it awesome... but thanks alot i would like to tweak first and then decide.. but my gut feeling is that the shader makes tons of difference...

Wait - which look are you trying to get to? You're no longer going for the soft white rabbit then?

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here is your original file, modified some things, i think the render looks good - altough it is a sphere- :)

- just made a new spot light, using 256 map with a bit of softness and upped pixel samples for deep shadow map.

- changed filtering to triangle on mantra 1 (catmul is not your friend with fur)

- reset the raytrace parameters to default, no tracing occurs here.

i think thats all, ah and combed the fur a bit :)



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looks nice now i think i need to conclude not to use choppy filters ( which takes up negative values ) I will tweak alot on these...

thanks But I would like to know that is there anyway that to render out shadow map once and reuse it again and again ? if the light position is not changed then its fine to work with the existing shadows... do we just remove the shadow map auto generation tick?

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do we just remove the shadow map auto generation tick?

.. or, under the Render tab of a Mantra ROP, uncheck "Generate Depth Maps" if you want additional control from the ROP's perspective. This is sometimes more convenient than checking off several lights' "Auto-generate.." toggles. Make a copy of your Mantra ROP with this set - or make a quick Take with this toggled instead. You can speed up the way you work in several ways with these tools.

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hey jason what Im talking is about generating shadow maps... but not to render image ( technically what u said should work ) but i want to render shadow maps just like how we do in Rsl compliant renderers.... first we render the shadow map and after that we use the shadow maps to render the final image... so do we have anything like that which uses minimal resources to give the shadow maps... Ofcourse I accept that whatever you have said is true but im figuring out the IFD way.. complete script based rendering... any idea?

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Did you try out the suggestions in the first place?

Like Jason said, put down a Mantra ROP, turn off Generate Primary Image and when you render, you will only generate shadow maps. Now, you can write out IFDs then send them to the farm.

In the final render Mantra ROP, you just have to make sure you uncheck "Generate Depth Maps" so you don't generate the shadow maps again. This is also what Jason said.



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ofcourse i did it works but i feel its taking time to generate the shadow maps?

I assume you're talking about when rendering the primary image when you've either turned off Auto Generate Shadow Maps in the Light Object or in the Mantra ROP, right?

I'll assume you've already done this but:

If you delete the shadowmaps, do they re-appear when you re-render? That'll tell you if you've done something wrong with your setup.

Also, if you set your verbosity on your Mantra ROP high, do you see a message telling you it's rendering these shadowmaps?

but how do i visualize the shadow maps? the same mplay?

Yes of course, did you try it?? There is a button on the bottom right of Mplay that says "Auto Adapt To Full Pixel Range" that can help you after you've loaded the image.

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