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Knitting Two Polygons

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Assuming the ear is a seperate SOP network than the head in the same OBJ:

You can move the ear into position, and use a merge SOP to combine the head and ear into the same network, then do one of a few different things:

Use Polyknit to knit the ear onto the head.


Use Geo Point snapping to snap the points from the ear onto the head, then use a Fuse or Facet SOP (I like Facet) to consolidate the points and join the ear to the head as one solid mesh


Try using Cookie if the two objects intersect each other (this could be messy and leave you with a lot of cleanup to do)

In any case, more than likely you will want to use a Facet SOP regardless of how the parts are joined because you will need to smooth the normals out.

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Use Geo Point snapping to snap the points from the ear onto the head, then use a Fuse or Facet SOP (I like Facet) to consolidate the points and join the ear to the head as one solid mesh

This is the way I do it. And I edgedivide the head (or the ear) to make sure there are enough points to fuse together...

Way easier than polyknit



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Geo point snapping is under the snapping options. If you are using Houdini 5.5 they are located in the upper left corner of a "View State" check the picture below. So you open your snapping options and then move the geo point slider to the right to set the amount of snapping for geo points. Close that and make sure snapping is turned on.

If you are using Houdini 6 the snapping options are located kinda in the same place as 5.5. Upper left corner look at the different drop down menus

pane/ network/ operator/ select/ view:

if you click on the view drop down menu you will see near the bottom of the list the snapping options. Again you have to be in a "View State" to see the snapping options. Hope that helps


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