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hscript question


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i am writing a very easy script, which copies the selected nodes N times, renames them and changes some parameters. The question is how should i query the copied nodes?

# selecting the node
set selected = `opselect("/obj")`
#copy-pasting this node once
opcp "/obj/"$selected "/obj"

but how can i get my new copy to rename it and to change the parameter? I want smth like

set copy = `run('opcp "/obj/"$selected "/obj"')`

but it's not right, $copy is empty. So, i need my copies in a variable..

Thank you!

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Note that it's probably easier to do these types of tasks in Python (via HOM) instead these days.

few months ago i have the strange and unsolved problem with one scene, i had to recook many nodes each time i started it, possibly it was smth like a bug.. and i wrote a simple script-`recooker` in hscript and tried to write the same in py. but there was the 'updateui' command, which haven't yet implemented in HOM, so i thought it was better to wait until HOM would be implemented wider =))

and this script (if these few strokes are the 'script')) i'll translate to py for studying)

maybe for the very newbies these nine strokes will be useful.

# copy camera N times with left/right crop offset
set selected = `opselect("/obj")`
set N = 10
for i = 0 to `$N - 1`
	set j = `$i + 1`
	opcp /obj/$selected /obj/`$selected + _CROP_`$i
	opparm /obj/`$selected + _copy`$i cropl `$i/$N`
	opparm /obj/`$selected + _copy`$i cropr `$j/$N`

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For manipulating nodes, I think HOM is easier these days. For anything that HOM doesn't have implemented yet, there's hou.hscript() :)

def copySelectedCam(n):
	""" Copy the selected cameras N times with left/right crop offset """
	net = hou.node("/obj")
	selected = net.selectedChildren()[0]
	for i in xrange(0,n):
		copied = hou.copyNodesTo([selected], net)[0]
		copied.setName(selected.name() + "_CROP_" + str(i))
		copied.parm("cropl").set(float(i) / n)
		copied.parm("cropr").set(float(i + 1) / n)

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thank you very much, Edward, the only thing i'm still using 9.1.244 build and..

"hou.Node.selectedChildren method

This is not implemented yet" =))

and the last question is.. to execute python function we have python source editor and hou.session.our_function() in python shell. and in Hscript i haven't found how to execute function, only .cmd script.. so i had to write "set N = 10". That's not very convenient =)

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