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What is od[Force]


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from marc's page :

"Od-force is an archaic reference to something supernatural controlled by a supreme power. This supreme power directs the entire creation; all plants, stars, who get energy to function in the right order and without that energy or force the creation would be no more and totally dead.

This all powerful energy gives life to human beings and if it is withdrawn the human beings cease to exist. Od-force has also been tied to illusion and sleight of hand, when it appears that a magician or conjuror has invoked supernatural powers within objects that do not possess their own energy."

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I think it may be similar the 'ether' theorys:

in physics and astronomy, a hypothetical medium for transmitting light and heat (radiation), filling all unoccupied space; it is also called luminiferous ether. In Newtonian physics all waves are propagated through a medium, e.g., water waves through water, sound waves through air. When James Clerk Maxwell developed his electromagnetic theory of light, Newtonian physicists postulated ether as the medium that transmitted electromagnetic waves. Ether was held to be invisible, without odor, and of such a nature that it did not interfere with the motions of bodies through space. The concept was intended to connect the Newtonian mechanistic wave theory with Maxwell's field theory. However, all attempts to demonstrate its existence, most notably the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887, produced negative results and stimulated a vigorous debate among physicists that was not ended until the special theory of relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905, became accepted. The theory of relativity eliminated the need for a light-transmitting medium, so that today the term ether is used only in a historical context.

ah...High School Physics...good times :)

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Well, since you all asked so nicely. I'll tell you where it comes from.

Firstly, let me say that I didn't write that description of od[force]. It was written by an old SESI employee when he did an interview with us for their new site. He managed to scrounge that up off the internet somewhere and I thought it was pretty cool so I kept it :)

So, are you ready? Please make yourself comfortable..

Once upon a time, a long...*cough, cough*... excuse me.

Lets try that again...

Once upon a.... *cough COUGH!*....*wheeeeze*... ahem!, excuse me again. Hang on while I get some water..


ok, where were we?

So, umm blah, blah, blah... ah yes. So we couldn't think of a cool name for our soon to be launched Houdini site. We went around offering free pizza to the first person who could come up with a cool name that had some bearing on the content of the site. While they were all thinking (or not) we went to a thesaurus and searched for synonyms for magic, illusion, sleight of hand etc.

One of the words we found was od-force which sounded obscure enough to be cool. So we used it. We then proceeded to buy ourselves pizza in celebration of our cleverness.

It was actually total coincedence that the elaborate description sounded cool too :D. Lucky us..

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I dunno, I kinda like the ninja idea. Just not in that form maybe.

We could come up with some ideas and vote on it :).

It took me long enough to come up with a logo for the site, so I'll defer the mascot to you creative folk :D.

As for more info, search on google, you'll find quite a few.


P.S. As for the supreme power... well Jason thinks he is. But I'm the power behind the throne :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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Here's my interpretation:

Od-force is an archaic reference to something supernatural (Houdini) controlled by a supreme power (The Houdini User). This supreme power (The Houdini User) directs the entire creation; all plants, stars, who get energy to function in the right order and without that energy or force the creation would be no more and totally dead.

When I read that, this was my original interpretation, and I thought you guys had really put alot of thought into naming the site. You've shattered that illusion for me.

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Well, that was the amazing coincidence. When I read that description I thought exactly what you did. Almost identical to what you just described actually.

Sorry about shattering the illusion. But if you want you can think that it was fated for us to name the site od[force], which is just as cool (I think).

Maybe I should quietly delete this thread to keep anyone else from learning the sordid and mostly boring truth of our past :P



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