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convert point colors to texture map


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Sorry guys if it is a real stupid question but I am trying to convert some point colors (promoted to primitive with a attrib promote) to a texture map in order to use it outside Houdini.


I managed to export an .obj for the geometry but I need the colors too.


Is there a way to do this ?


Many thanx.



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Thanx a lot Ben,


I get the principle but it doesn't render anything, it just warn me about adding a headlight.

If I do understand right, it would export some uv map, but what if I promoted the color to primitives ?


Many thanx.



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It works fine with color assign to primitive.
Warning doesn't matter. If you render it with a constant shader (what I did in the file)  you don't need any light.
I'm not sure why it's not working for you. Do not try to render it in the Render view as render view is raytracing and Uv render dones't work with raytracing. Just press the render button on the mantra node or the ropnet.

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Just tried with an apprentice version and it works.
Maybe in the Mantra node, Properties / Output / Output Picture, try to specify a file to output to instead of "ip" (ip just render the image in mplay but doesn't save it).

edit : in hkey(License Administrator) check if you have a mantra token installed

Edited by ben
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Well I don't even know where to look at, the licence administrator gave me 3 lines, one of them is Render-NonCommercial 13.0, could be this ?


I tried with a specific name instead of "ip" with the same result.


Strange, thank you very much anyway.



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You were talking about the point texture ql sop ?

Very nice tool but I am looking for the exact opposite, I would like to get a texture from the primitive Cd attribute.


Many thanx anyway, the ql tools are just great !



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  • 1 year later...

Hey guys! I have a question about this.

Is it possible to use this technique to render out an image sequence? I have a fluid simulation. One fluid interacting with another fluid. Where the meshes blend I am wanting to render out that map. So if I apply a black color to one fluid mesh and a white color to the second mesh and use the attribute transfer technique from Peter Quint, can I render out a black and what map with the blending being grey? I want to use the maps in another package to differentiate between two shaders.

Is this possible?


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