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Edit SOP | trouble with selections


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I Can't get the different selection modes to work at all!

once I have selected a primative, I can't toogle it or remove from selection. It's a real pain if I'm selecting alot of prim's, as if I pick a prim' by accident I can't shake it unless I deselect all.

Please telll me I'm doing something stupid :)

houdini master 7.0.231 XP

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I Can't get the different selection modes to work at all!

once I have selected a primative, I can't toogle it or remove from selection. It's a real pain if I'm selecting alot of prim's, as if I pick a prim' by accident I can't shake it unless I deselect all.

Please telll me I'm doing something stupid :)

houdini master 7.0.231 XP


It's probably the that your selections are locked after selecting. The second-most bottom icon on the viewport icons on the left side is "Secure Selection" - turn that off. Geometry (Sops) and Object has individual settings for this. You can set the it as a preference too in the Settings>Main Preferences>Objects And Geometry menu.

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It's probably the that your selections are locked after selecting. The second-most bottom icon on the viewport icons on the left side is "Secure Selection" - turn that off. Geometry (Sops) and Object has individual settings for this. You can set the it as a preference too in the Settings>Main Preferences>Objects And Geometry menu.


crtl Z

undoes the last thing you selected, would that help?

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Thakyou for your sugestions, but, I fear it may be more sinister

I append an edit, start selecting prims. Whilst selecting prims I pick one i don't want. - I go to unselect it (Ihaven't right-clicked yet) nothing happens. Toggle selection (+/- button) is selected. I've tried remove selection etc. none work until I restart, sometimes, several times.

This is nothing to do with secure selection. I have been using Houdini for a couple of years(v5) and have never come across this until 7.0.231

I think this is some kind of bug as is doesn't happen every time. It's behaving itself today, but last night I wasted 2hrs trying to get rid of it. I had around 100 prim's to select, no other way than to pick them by hand. As soon as I get them all I'm gonna group 'em:)

Could anyone using 7.0.231 pleas have a quick check when they're not too busy to see if they can replicate this phenomena.

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when this issue happens, are you able to right-click to accept the selection? if not, you are probably hitting a very common viewport selection bug that all of us deal with. a good fix to this is to hit TAB TAB and continue on with your selection.

if this is something completely different, then I have no idea whats going on.



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  • 1 month later...

Yes I know what ur talking about... its like the edit sop has some bug...

What I did is just simply restart. Its not like it takes so much time like maya to open.

The thing is that one is able to tumble and do everything but the edit sop wont let me to reselect another point or face for futher modfication.

Also you may want to press the enter key, caps lock, or trying to press the ~ key. Also try to go to another node and do some chages and come back.

Hope this helps

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The thing is that one is able to tumble and do everything but the edit sop wont let me to reselect another point or face for futher modfication.

right, this is the same bug arctor and i are talking about and yes restarting fixes it. but if you dont want to restart, just hit TAB TAB in the viewport and it will start working again.

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