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Houdini crowds to maya ass files errors

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Hi every one, 

I have imported a Crowds "ass" file into Maya from Houdini. I come in just fine but when I render I get this error

// Error: /obj/agent_source:polygons: parameter vlist is an array of type POINT, not VECTOR // 

// Error: [polymesh] /obj/geo1:polygons: out-of-range UV index // 


I don't have an attribute called vlist. and i would delete all that attributes. and still get this error. I was wondering if it was the shader search path. but I think I found the right location. 

after forcing the render with a region a few times I get a null shader on the crowds. 

any thoughts?






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Hi, Angel. One question: which version of MtoA was giving you this error? I know it was a long time ago, but we are using a very old arnold version in a very stretched project and I'm having the same issue.

Do you remember which version of MtoA was? And which version of HtoA wore you using at the moment?


Thanks in advance, man



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