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Mantra Holdout with Phantom not acting as expected

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Hi everybody, thought I'd throw up a simple file to demo the problem,

In the context of rendering a flip sim mesh in mantra, with the env geometry as both holdout 'forced matte' and 'forced phantom' to have it still show up in reflections and refractions,

I have a situation where by adding the object as forced phantom, it cancels out force matte.

But as a work-around -  it seems if I duplicate that same env geometry, by copy&pasting the sop, and setting that new sop to be the phantom and not the original, mantra renders as expected.

Go figure...





01 Render with everything visible


02 forced phantom cancelling forced matte


03 both forced matte and forced phantom working after sop object duplication



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Yeah your right. If I just use Forced matte and completely remove all phantom objects it renders the same, though I wouldn't necessarily expect it to, as only the spheres (waterGeom) are in Forced objects.

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you can read more about matte shading here: http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/props/mantra.html#shading


When enabled, the object’s surface shader will be replaced with a matte shader for primary rays.


Secondary rays will still use the object’s assigned surface shader, allowing it to appear in reflections and indirect lighting even though it will not render directly.




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