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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2018 in all areas

  1. I would use the wind tunnel option on the Pyro Object DOP. Enable the wind tunnel option and set the vector as the direction and magnitude of the wind tunnel. Make sure that it is a smoke sim. Disable anything to do with temperature. Set buoyancy to 0. Disable any temperature field in the source volume and the Fluid Source VOP. Get rid of gravity. Make the container size just big enough to run the sim. Very narrow. On the Solver, disable all shaping including diffusion except for confinement. Use lots of confinement to add nice swirling detail. See the attached hip file for one example setup. From my sim comparing to the reference footage, a lot of finessing with either localized sink in the shoe to velocity sculpting or invisible colliders are used around the shoe to get the streamers to do what they are doing which is to be expected. That the streamers would be art directed far beyond a simple physical simulation. wind_tunnel_shoe.hip
    3 points
  2. Hey Guys I wanted to share with you a small script I've done to have a better support or external editors to edit your expressions and code. It works with a system or file watcher, that means it doesn't freeze Houdini and you don't need to close your editor to see you updates It's available by a simple right-click on a parameter => expression => External Expression Editor ( you can set a hotkey ). It works with VEX and Python expressions but also regular HScript expressions ( but with no completion ). It works very well with Visual Studio Code as it has a nice VEX and Python plugins, but it could work with sublime text, notepad ++ etc. ( I haven't tested all the IDE out there so if you find a bug with one of them, feel free to send an email to contact@cgtoolbox.com ). A small video about it: https://vimeo.com/242470411 You can download it for free here: http://cgtoolbox.com/houdini-expression-editor/ PySide, PySide2 and PyQt are supported, it is compatible with Houdini 15 to 16.5.
    1 point
  3. Re number of replies, your question isn't tips and tricks, it broadly covers entire departments and careers of CG artists. Integration is largely the domain of compositors but upstream a small army of people are dedicated to making it happen, from the on-set sup to the texture and materials artist to 3D artist to the compositor. Take a look at The Art and Science of Digital Compositing by Brinkmann and the VES Handbook of Visual Effects by VES. Great references. And there's a British Film Industry Visual Effects Foundations ebook running around that has a concise descriptioin of the skills involved.
    1 point
  4. I am still following it, you can download the video (very nice to watch them in the subway :-), but of course I can’t code). Anyway, that’s more for my pleasure : if you have studied physics and did a bit of maths, there is nothing new :-) By the way, teacher is great (i think he made is phd or post doctoral studies at Weta or something like that).
    1 point
  5. Well, honestly, I am just a hobbyist. So I have plenty of time to learn and search solutions when I have a problem. Definitely not a master :-) By the way, I am passionate about CG since the 1990’s, so long time ago, but do you the 20 hours & 10000 hours rules ? You need 20 hours of practice to become good at something, anything. And at least 10000 hours of practice to become an expert :-)
    1 point
  6. Alright boys here is v1.0. It is fairly undocumented and kinda confusing but it's here. I /may/ clean it up later. Also I decided to go with method number 2. trainstuff.hiplc EDIT: Doing this made me wish that Houdini had a do while node system. (I know they have it within VOPs but why cant we have it at SOP level) EDIT 2: Cleaned up v1.0 and added a little menu functionality! (but more importantly added comments to my code) trainstuff 1.1.hiplc
    1 point
  7. "The Houdini viewport knows how to visualize the 2D height field as a 3D surface", guess this is what i was missing. thanks again
    1 point
  8. Proper lighting first : you need to take HDRI pictures onset during the shot of your footage, then rework them to have a proper correspondance of colors (using things like mcbeth chart etc.). Those HDRI can then be used to light your scene (Image Based Lighting). That already helps a lot with integration. Materials : you need to have good material references and build nice shaders to mimic real world materials (if that’s the purpose : sometimes you want weird/unatural/scifi things to be integrated :-) Then in compositing, you have to tweak all of that to blend things as the director wants. In few lines that’s hard to tell you more : there so much parameters to makes things works, and so many different situations that will make solutions unique to one shot... I recommend you to look at some LookDev and Compositing courses on fxphd.com They are really great and taught by professionals : https://www.fxphd.com/details/499/ https://www.fxphd.com/details/555/ https://www.fxphd.com/details/556/ https://www.fxphd.com/details/292/ https://www.fxphd.com/details/283/
    1 point
  9. Hi everybody, Wanted to share the latest experiment and say that Houdini is absolutely a fun piece of software to work with. Nothing in this project is final yet. Cheers.
    1 point
  10. I know this is a bit late, but I missed this thread and felt like I should comment. Firstly, this topic amuses me since I think I could count on two hands (maybe some toes) the amount of times we've had to lock threads in the 20 years this site has been running. So the assertion that we're trigger happy thread lockers is a bit of a stretch. Now it may be that some of the very small number of locked threads belonged to some people in this thread, and if that's true then I would suggest taking a look at your online etiquette and perhaps adjusting a few things. You should note that we have very few rules governing each forum, where most other forums on the internet have a laundry list of do's and don'ts for posting. The reason for that is that we have an amazing community of professionals who actually like to help each other produce great work. Healthy debates are certainly welcome, but personal attacks are not. tl;dr: If the topic descends to the equivalent of "no, you!", "heck you!" etc, then it is looked at as a lockable entity. Don't want that to happen? Don't behave that way. M
    1 point
  11. Here is a quick test. Fetched the velocity and set the force attribute to vel. EDIT. It just crossed my mind that there is a prebuilt asset for what i did in my file, the fluid force DOP. rbd_velField.hip
    1 point
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