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Found 5 results

  1. If you're on Steam, join the Houdini User Steam Group here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/houdiniusersgroup
  2. Hey, sorry for the short notice - just got the news that there will be a Berlin Houdini User Meeting today: Everybody welcome, no matter the experience with Houdini - old hands as well as people starting out or even being just curious about Houdini. Looking forward to see you tonight! :-) Cheers, Tom
  3. Hello fellow Houdniks, FMX is around the corner again and of course there will be another user-meeting this year. od-lunch will be on Wednesday May 3 during the official FMX lunch break from 1PM-2PM. I made a reservation for 20 people at the restaurant “Logo” directly inside “Haus der Wirtschaft” (the FMX venue). No registration this year - first come first served! There will be one more reminder posting here one day before but you better save the date already! Looking forward to seeing you again! Reply here so we can see who's coming! Cheers Oliver
  4. I'm building a crowd simulation system by creating custom VEX operators being cooked in a SOP simulation. Along with implementing basic behaviours(arrive,separation,cohesion,alignment,obstacle-avoidance,wander,leader following etc.) by manipulating point positions being accessed from the amazing Houdini point cloud feature, I'm working on a path-following behaviour. I'd like the user to be able to define his own path, a curve rather(as I'm using a curve to define a path), is there anyway I can make my digital asset user-driven, wherein the user can have an option to simply draw up the curve on the grid? If I found nothing, I would let the user load up an image file with a path drawn on it, and let that form the path to be followed, but I'd have to somehow scatter points(after tracing it) in such a way that they form path-like connected line-segments(even if they might not be curves, it'll still work if I can simply get to access the points forming the line-segments of the path). But I'm sure someone can come up with a far better solution than that, really looking forward to it! (It's eating the insides of my brain now!!) Thanks! Cheers
  5. Hey everyone, I am about to move to Montreal for work and I was wondering if there's a Montreal Houdini User Group up in Montreal. If so, it'd be awesome to meet up and share ideas and knowledge and whatnot
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