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krakatoa shader


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each geo node is one simulation or separate simulation for that palace, if you whant to have big amount of particles for each palace it must be separate sim,

for one palace with 1mil particle and 150frames it need 30min = 11GB cache data

13 * 30min = 6h 30min and 150GB of cache data, render time 1280*720 * 150frames = 2h

Edited by CeeGee
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itriix one more example if you whant to try..

This is only for one Palace, simulatiing one palace to be maybe 6-7 mil is very long...

You can try smaller amount but with diffrent seeds, 10 sim with 700 000, simulating will be much faster and can do on multiple worstation.

then load evrything on same positing with geo load shader...

scene file if you whant to try


This is example each seed has 30 000 particles, each image another seed setings, image 6 all seed combine for render.


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I run test with random seed just to show new houdini users how can they do some difrent sim setup for particles

I run 5 sim with random seed each 300 000 particles and on sim 1.5partilces

Cache time is same 5 * 4min and 1 * 20min, but this is small number of particles, but wen it come to 20mil or more one workstation will die, then you can split with random seed

example 20mil - 20 * 1mil sim/ then you can use 20 workstation and split on 1mil/workstation, something like fake distributive simulation :) , for time of 1mil sim you get 20mil.

files are smaller, easy do manage data on network.





i know that this is very simple setup for Advance Houdini artist, i made this test and setup for new houdini artist just to see some diffrent setup

and to have start point.

Edited by CeeGee
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It's for proxy geometry so that you at least have some (simple) visualization while in Houdini.

thanks Edward! that clears things up... after looking at CeeGee's files, i started to assume that was the case. but once again thanks for taking the time to respond to my question :)

i'll be posting some results soon... i'm having lots of fun with this new workflow! it's left me with one more question though.

question 1:

i'm curious, is there any way to say adjust particular details of that "file that's being read in by the delayed load shader" without having to "resave the file to disk", in particular, $PSCALE... i was originally caching out the "simulation" to disk, and the network contained the $PSCALE, but i forgot to tweak the value of the pscale. I cached out quite a few files to disk, read them in with the delayed load shader, and rendered, and noticed: CRAP, my pscale wasn't set, the particles were HUGE! I then had to resave out the files to disk, WITH PSCALE... Instead of having to resave the files again with pscale, is there some way that i can have changed this "after" the fact, so that the delayed load shader could recognize this?



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itriix one more example if you whant to try..

I really thank you CeeGee for taking the time to share your .hip file and knowledge. I truly have learned a WHOLE LOT in the past few days reading this topic. It's pushed me to finally post my own topic in the WIPs on my current adventures with this new found knowledge. I thought it'd be more appropriate to start a new topic because it addresses "non-delayed load" shader challenges I ran into.

Cheers, and i'll definitely be posting some of the "delayed load" results here, once i fix my current "non-delayed load" issues up

Thanks once again so much


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Msalek, maybe you can share some stuf from you work, some tips and workflow, you stuff is amazing...

Some rendering and sim teh. for particles stuff.

My other stuff is just a learning, i dont have a job and need to do something crazy... :)



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couple new questions:

1. does "mantra render as points" not recognize alpha?

2. is there any way to set up the particle sims with a variable or something, so that when it's read back in by the delayed load, you can "tweak" some parameters on the fly? I'm particularly interested in being able to tweak say, particle_scale instead of having to resim all of the particle caches with the "new" pscale...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

1. does "mantra render as points" not recognize alpha?

I can't get that to work either.

Also, I am having a tough time with lighting these points. Is there a way to have them more 'backlit'? When I try this they don't show up in the color channels, only the alpha. The docs say that the points are merely forward facing discs, which would explain why they can't be backlit. Any way around this? Maybe faking translucency? Basically I would like to render a crapload of points to achieve a wispy smoke sort of effect. Some of Igor's renders are quite successful at this, but I would hate to be limited to a frontal lighting direction only.

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I can't get that to work either.

Also, I am having a tough time with lighting these points. Is there a way to have them more 'backlit'? When I try this they don't show up in the color channels, only the alpha. The docs say that the points are merely forward facing discs, which would explain why they can't be backlit. Any way around this? Maybe faking translucency? Basically I would like to render a crapload of points to achieve a wispy smoke sort of effect. Some of Igor's renders are quite successful at this, but I would hate to be limited to a frontal lighting direction only.

I was able to get proper transparency by adding a color POP, which has nice controls for Alpha over age and stuff. Still struggling with the lighting from behind. I guess there are ways to sample a volume to get Cd. I was trying to figure out how Krakatoa does it, but couldn't get any definitive answer there. I think they also get lighting info from some sort of volume lighting table.

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Yeah cool stuff igor!

Thought i would start testing some massive particle rendering myself so i did a quick test with 3mil particle sims. For now i just did 3 of them as my hdd space kinda runs low here at home. I did THIS test rendering out those 3x3 mil particle with delayed load so 9mil particle, so far so good for my poor 2GB ram oldie desktop computer. Simulating 3mil particles at once was its peak.

Gonna have to do some more real stress tests at work where i got more horsepower =) But i think 2GB ram can hold up for more than 9mil particles in rendering, need to test where the limit goes.


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