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procedural stones/rocks


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Hi all!

I am trying to implement something similiar to this (which is, at least for 3Dsmax, quite impressive proceduralism):

the example somehow seems to use a voronoi noise as base displacement to create a sharply dented surface. I am trying to do this in VEX; having tried cellular and voronoi patterns, i am far away from what can be seen at 0:25 - could someone enlighten me here?

I have attached my scene file and will, of course, share my results with anyone interested.

All the best



Edited by jwoelper
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:) easy, just drop a polygon sphere , set division to 10.. add a vopsop .. in the vopsop drop a displace along normal and a worley noise.. dist1 from worley -> amount of displace along norm.. connect all the rest correctly (p-> pos and such) and your done for a nice base stone shape :)

hope it helps


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  On 3/9/2010 at 10:54 AM, realer said:

:) easy, just drop a polygon sphere , set division to 10.. add a vopsop .. in the vopsop drop a displace along normal and a worley noise.. dist1 from worley -> amount of displace along norm.. connect all the rest correctly (p-> pos and such) and your done for a nice base stone shape :)

hope it helps


Oh, I was so close :) thanks a ton, the worley comes really close to what I had in mind!


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  On 3/10/2010 at 12:45 PM, thinkinmonkey said:

Good work!

I like the stone colors, I'm not sure about speculars, but colore are good.


I am just trying out different methods right now. The specular indeed looks bad... also the texture is a bitmap. Ideally it should be a procedural shader, too...

Here are some more images with various stones and different bitmaps:






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what a beautiful, procedural stone!

I like it and thanks to share.

Anyway, if I can suggest you something, it would be:

1. When creating parameter in VOP node, give them a yellow color in order to recognize them quickly: I see pros do it, so why don't we too? It's enough you click 'C' key on your keyboard and choose the third yellow from the right (if you don't know how do it! :))

2. I like the detail you put on the ground giving it a little height where stones are, but there are a lot of polygons under the ground that are unseen so they are not necessary for VOP and they are really expensive in term of CPU! So, you have a lot of choices now, the simple I think is to cut the subdivide box before VOP, maybe with a under-ground box (put it a little down of the ground to have more polygons as safety zone) that groups the under-polygons that have to be blasted. Then the cutted box can be processed by VOP to be a stone.

You can also randomize the Y-position of the under-ground box to have different heights.

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An additional approach is to create a bunch of highly detailed rocks and write them out to disk as begeo's then use point instancing at render time to duplicate the copy to points method.


Move part or all of this in to a displacement shader at render time.

You should also have a lower representation of your rock. Easy to do as you can just lower the subdivisions feeding in to the VOP network.

This is a very nice procedural boulder/rock generator.

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Thanks a lot for the many useful tips!

I even colored all my parameter nodes :)

I also added some new logic and parameters that allow the creation of very different types of rocks as well as large stone surfaces (it should some day be able to do canyon walls and mountain sides).

Hip file follows after cleaning up.

Beware of the stone spam:





viewport display of the mesh:


this looks like the dinosaur turd preset:




  On 3/12/2010 at 2:25 PM, thinkinmonkey said:


what a beautiful, procedural stone!

I like it and thanks to share.

Anyway, if I can suggest you something, it would be:

1. When creating parameter in VOP node, give them a yellow color in order to recognize them quickly: I see pros do it, so why don't we too? It's enough you click 'C' key on your keyboard and choose the third yellow from the right (if you don't know how do it! :))

2. I like the detail you put on the ground giving it a little height where stones are, but there are a lot of polygons under the ground that are unseen so they are not necessary for VOP and they are really expensive in term of CPU! So, you have a lot of choices now, the simple I think is to cut the subdivide box before VOP, maybe with a under-ground box (put it a little down of the ground to have more polygons as safety zone) that groups the under-polygons that have to be blasted. Then the cutted box can be processed by VOP to be a stone.

You can also randomize the Y-position of the under-ground box to have different heights.

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They are getting better time after time!

The "stone carpet" is very nice: there's something I don't feel good between one column and next one, but I cannot tell you what's wrong... maybe the aliasing...but I don't know...

The first and second stones are marvellous!

While the dinosaur turd seems to me two embraced men like in an Escher picture! :lol:

Thanks in advance for the hip file.

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Very nice rocks! I have to say that I am doing something very similar to what you are doing. Some kind of basalt. (After seeing Macha's thread, my interest in rocks has grown.) I look forward to seeing more.

Edit: By the way, do you plan on scattering rocks over terrain? I ended up going pretty low res for the geometry and then displacing. I suppose that you could point instance if you wanted to maintain your detail.

Edited by mightcouldb1
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Yeah, I guess I will go the displacement way too in the end... I just wanted to play with VEX a bit and I think it is a more intuitive way of visualizing the displacement instead of re-rendering every minute.

By the way, is there a way to easily include/port/paste the vex sop code into a shader displacement? (as in "switching the vex sop off and the shader on"?) If they could share the same code this would be perfect for visualization...

I have started working on the surface shader, it is included in the scene and visualized in the test rendering.




stonemap.hipncFetching info...

  On 3/17/2010 at 3:37 AM, mightcouldb1 said:

Very nice rocks! I have to say that I am doing something very similar to what you are doing. Some kind of basalt. (After seeing Macha's thread, my interest in rocks has grown.) I look forward to seeing more.

Edit: By the way, do you plan on scattering rocks over terrain? I ended up going pretty low res for the geometry and then displacing. I suppose that you could point instance if you wanted to maintain your detail.

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