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Terribly annoying render problem!

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I've just rendered out a loong sequence of frames on a small render farm and I noticed that -bizarrely- one machine (the fastest) has written out picnc instead of pic...

So, every 4th frame or so is the wrong format. I have no idea why it did that because it's always worked in the past.

Is there a way to re-render only those bad frames?

I used deadline if that helps.

Edited by Macha
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Sounds like the license configuration on the one machine got messed up. Maybe during install of a newer version of Houdini? I think Deadline can take arbitrary frame ranges so if you can get a list of the bad frames then Deadline should be able to render just those. A script could find the bad frames if there are a lot of them. Python has a handy method in the os module, os.listdir() if I remember correctly. Then split those up with built in string method endswith().



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Can't you just set the Step to 4 in the frame range?

It's about 4 frames. Sometimes 2, sometimes none, sometimes 6. One machine rendered one frame so the time taken for each image differs slightly.

I just rerendered all the ones done by the one machine. Deadline allows me to select frames rendered by machine.

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