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Taking transfered attribute forever

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Hi all,

I'm transferring Cd attribute (but it can be any kind of attribute) from an animated sphere to a grid, as you can see in the attached file.

Now, as you see, the red is transferred every frame, but we lose the red on previous "painted" prims.

How can I still have the red on prims previously painted?

In the file I propose a solution with the use of FILE SOP nodes, a simple trick:

  1. Houdini transfers the Cd
  2. Houdini saves the geometry (the last FILE SOP)
  3. Houdini goes ahead one frame
  4. Houdini loads the geometry saved on previous frame (the first FILE SOP), because the SWITCH SOP

I put the FILE and SWITCH SOPs in bypass mode, because you have to choose the right folder where saving files.

I'd like to know if there are other options.

Thanks in advance.


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There are two or three other choices. You need a time dependent context, which is Chops, Dops, Pops, but not Sops. Here you have a solution based on Dops (Sop solver).


ps note, sop solver can be applied on a geometry not involved in any simulation. It simply keeps a state of a geometry in a previous frame while executing current one.

Edited by SYmek
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If you open the houdini command line tools from the start menu (WIN) you can type proto_install.

If you load the feedback node (follow the instructions) you will find that this node is a little simpler to set up (confusing to understand but simpler to set up), to achieve this exact effect.

Please look at the example file..I hope this helps :)

Edited by spev
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No worries dude....its been there for a couple of years and I am not sure why it is not part of the default package.....There is some talk on the forums about it and the command line help but that is all...

It is a bit of a gem for when ever you want to accumulate data.


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No worries dude....its been there for a couple of years and I am not sure why it is not part of the default package.....There is some talk on the forums about it and the command line help but that is all...

It is a bit of a gem for when ever you want to accumulate data.


Do you know if there's a way to animate before the feedback node?! for example in your file, how can we animate the point before the feedback node? when I wanna do it, looks like the feedback node ignore all the transformation that's happening before itself!

EDIT : found my answer :D ....it was a matter of wiring the input geometry differently :D ... that's an awesome node, it's really weird that they don't have it as a part of the default package!

Edited by ehsan parizi
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In the messy (sorry) file I posted I was transforming the point with the first feedback node and the point node..This is probably why you trying to move the point was having no effect.

In the attached example (more tidy) I am moving the point with a transform node...You can animate that point now until your hearts content....I hope this helps


Edited by spev
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In the messy (sorry) file I posted I was transforming the point with the first feedback node and the point node..This is probably why you trying to move the point was having no effect.

In the attached example (more tidy) I am moving the point with a transform node...You can animate that point now until your hearts content....I hope this helps


hahaha...yeah, I figured it out. :D

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If you open the houdini command line tools from the start menu (WIN) you can type proto_install.

If you load the feedback node (follow the instructions) you will find that this node is a little simpler to set up (confusing to understand but simpler to set up), to achieve this exact effect.

Please look at the example file..I hope this helps :)

Man, this feedback node is awesome. I didn't even know there were so many prototype nodes waiting to be installed.

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Ok, guys, thanks a lot for all your suggestions, I'll studied both and now I'm going to use what's best to fit for my project.

ehsan parizi, SYmek: thanks for DOP solution. Just now I realized that only a solution based on simulation could be the only way, because it's in its nature to take in account the previous state in order to build the actual state, as SYmek pointed out. Of course, a BIIIIIG "thanks" goes to Peter Quint too!

spev: thanks, man! For another time Houdini shows itself like a box full of toys ready to surprise you!

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I'm working on a road destruction: I'm using a moving-on-path sphere to select the primitives groups that have to be extruded and displaced.

As you can imagine, because the sphere is moving, the primitives are taken only in the actual frame, forgetting primitives of the previous frames.

So I thought to use some sort of mechanism to have the primitives of actual frame plus the previous ones "ready" for operations.

Initially, I thouth to use attributes, but with the DOP solution, I'm saving a bgeo per frame with all the geometry and with a group that has all the interested primitives.

I don't know if it's a good solution, actually it seems to work, but it's very slow, it has to check the distance for 458 primitive groups per every frame.

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not sure if this c'd help you in your case , but since i cannot have access to DOPs ( im an escapist ) some times ago i tried another primitive way of recording 'when happened to whom' events . basically a 'simulation' ( python SOP ) which writes to disc a txt file with two columns : indices & first-event-frame . those later are loaded as a single attribute back to the geometry . i saved and reloaded the geo with attributes in that case , but i think those c'd be read and applied from the txt file directly too . well .. i think =)

you c'd save / load versions too if geo doesnt change its order or counts .

link to the thread :

the speed was greater without the printing to console option checked , but i activated it for the sake of the video .

hope this suggestion helps .

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