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Demoreel: http://vimeo.com/60884195

This is my final Demoreel shot along with the Breakdowns. I am looking for opportunity as an Houdini FX-artist in Vancouver.

- I am using Pyro simulation in Houdini for explosion and fire on the Car's Body and I have setup custom Pyro cluster for the other pieces that are flying around.

- For the simulation of the car I am using RBD solver instead of bullet because the motion of the Car is looking much better at the point of impact with RBD.

- For bending / smashing the body of the car I have used a Sopsolver and a magnet force to bend the body at the point of Impact. and the velocity from the explosion as an initial force for the simulation of the car.

Any comments will be appreciated

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very nice and good job! The only thing I would do differently is to actually affect the tires as well.

I will actually try to explode a tank in a coming school project. I hope it is ok if I use the same method as you have since it seems to work really well :)



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