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  1. Hi,everyone! I'm working on a ground explosion test and come across a few problems: the first few frames is important to me, I want to emphasize the expanding effect, so besides adding divergence, I also set keys on the fuel sourcing geometry‘s scale, but that seems to blur out the fire into a hot mess. How can I get more details in the expanding fire? Also, I add some custom vel into the sim, making it blow up in scattered directions, the side effect is: instead of forming a big mushroom cloud, it generate small mushroom caps as shown in the following preview. I have also tried using particle system to drive the sim, it also easily end up with these mushroom caps... How can I get rid of that? These problems are driving me crazy, if you have any advice, please help me, thank you very much!!! preview2.mov
  2. Hey everyone! Finally finished my newest personal Houdini project and thought it was time to post it places! This was probably my most render time heavy project so far but happy with how it turned out
  3. Hi I am Vu Pham from Vietnam. My FX Showreel, destruction fx, water fx, particles, explosion, .. Thanks for since update my portfolio here, I got 2 animated feature in working as remote freelance works, 1 is large scale and other is magic, both job are amazing keep me busy more than month. Odforce forum is so great, except it does not show on Google SERP. https://youtu.be/OwrdEKKOpQc Contact: info@vubao.com.vn
  4. Want to have multiple explosions in your shot? Let's populate them! Why go through the trouble of simulating each Fx when we can just populate a scene with a few! The Populate Toolset is a comprehensive HDA (Houdini Digital Asset) Toolkit designed for intricate control to populate a scene with various caches. The OTL uses a bundle system, so we can switch between a low-resolution proxy cache and a high-resolution render cache anytime. This makes it easy for artists to preview shots, layout simulations and art direct timing as per their needs. How does this Setup Help? Easy Layout: Create quick and easy layouts and previews for your shots without using high config machines and dealing with the laggy viewport. Quick Controls: Get quick controls to art direct your simulation like adjusting scales, rotation and timing. Randomizer: An easy randomizer to get started with. Override Tool: When you need small adjustments just use the override tool to fix it! Gizmos: Gets user friendly preview gizmos that help artists preview scales and placements of cache. Used on Beautiful Hunan: Flight of The Pheonix & Halo (Mini TV Series) Get the HDA and Files on Gumroad: https://chakshuvfx.gumroad.com/l/art-direct-instances
  5. Thrilled to show a teaser of my future Houdini tutorial. Key topics: - Proceduralism: geometry and animation - Pyro: explosion with love - Karma XPU: pain and joy *99.9% done with Karma XPU Release on gumroad soon.
  6. pssoo


    I'm trying to make an explosion in this shape. I don't know how to make it. What shape of emitter should I start with?I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me.
  7. Does anyone have hints on how to achieve a similar effect as shown in this post by tyflow (an fx tool for 3DS max) : I'm so much in love with the effect, but I want to achieve it in Houdini! Thanks in advance for your wise advice! =)
  8. Visit the course at cgforge.com/course/pyroiii Unlock access for as little as $49.99 at cgforge.com For one-on-one mentorships and consultations, visit cgforge.com/academy
  9. Hello I have set up a particle simulation, where the particles are moving with fast speeds.. now as I am rastarize them and bluring the edges, I still get pointy smoke... then I have add some substeps to the smoke sim in the pyro solver node, but still the same result.. does someone knows, how to tackle this problem and get a nice and flowing pyro sim with a fast particle system? Help would be much appreciated
  10. Hello everyone! My friend Antoine Jaspar and myself are super thrilled to show you our last project we did together during our free time! It’s a big explosion happening in a rocky desert type of environment, inspired by the massive explosion scene in Rogue One. For this shot, I was in charge of every aspect of 3D (FX, Lighting, Modeling, Shading, Assets Layout, etc) and Antoine carried the rest brilliantly (Comp, Color Grading, DMP, etc). Everything is rendered with Mantra. Hope you’ll enjoy the breakdown (sound ON highly advised) ! C&C welcome! Vimeo : https://vimeo.com/588889551 Artstation : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KrlYwo
  11. Hello guys, i'm making a explosion scene. The bomb was applied to only two frames and the wheels continued to be affected. Is there any way to stop the wheel? Just in case, I tried using VEX, but it didn't work. I tried adjusting the speed in RBD Configure. but it didn't work. Is there any way to stop that Velocity? ex_test_5.mov
  12. Hello, I am trying to do a simple explosion, but when I am adding the "pyro bake volume" node, and then I am clicking in the scatter or fire tab on "enable fire/scatter", normaly it should add the fire to the explosion. But today somehow its suddently not working... I have do it a few times when Houdini 18,5 came out and it has worked without any problems. But now somehow it isn't working anymore... :/ there are some screenshots attached and the hip file... I have looked everywhere but somehow I've made everything right... explosion_problem.hipnc
  13. Hello! I've been using Houdini as a TD for about 2 years now and I just recently got my hands on a C4D and X-Particles license. Playing around with X-Particles it has become apparent that Houdini can make something fairly simple (like particle simulations with constraints) very difficult. For these past 2 years I've been trying to get, specifically, thick liquid like particle constraints (not just viscous but stringy) working in Houdini and I've never been able to get results I can be completely happy with. I've been able to achieve "sticky" effects using vellum grains and vdb meshing before as seen here, however, I was always after a different effect using a particle simulation that was NOT attached to a mesh but still behaved in a similar "sticky" fashion when coming in contact with colliders. After trying this over and over again in Houdini and having unsatisfactory results, I've now experimented with X-Particles and I was a slightly frustrated by all of the time I had spent in Houdini and how simple and quick it was to achieve exactly the effect I wanted in X-Particles. In the video below you can see what effect I was after in XP. I was curious if anyone at all has re-created this stringy liquid effect in Houdini with POPs? It seems clear to me that FLIP fluids are not really the answer for small scale simulations where you want a "stringy" surface tension look. I've gotten close with FLIP and vdb meshing in Houdini, but it never looks as natural and real as X-Particles. I've heard that maybe the POP Fluid node may be the answer (here), but I'm curious if anyone has attempted these stringy constraints in a Houdini project! Any Houdini workflow tips for such an effect would be appreciated because the cost of X-Particles and C4D is not something I plan on paying for the rest of my days!
  14. had to finish building explosion in just few days. this is my first try with pyro, had been learning Houdini for 1 and a half year. mostly working on smokes, particles, and cloth. this is my first preview to them 2 days ago. Explosion.mp4 I felt good about that explosion, want to try higher resolution simulation with more trails coming out of it. New_HD.mp4 here's how it looks now. lol what a dumbass. shouldnt have did that. realized that the trails are moving out too fast, too much, and too big. it all in 1 simulation. so I'll try a new simulation, hopefully this one is better. I'll seperate the simulation, explosion only. and the other one is the trails simulated seperately, gotta slow the trails, and reduce the ammount. wish me luck!
  15. dolexd

    Burn vs Fuel

    Hello, I am following a few tutorials on how to make an explosion/fire. Some of them use the attribute burn and others use fuel. Can I please know if there is any difference between the two? Thank you very much.
  16. Hello. I'm making an explosion. It is an explosion that enters a plate shot at high speed. I am wondering how to approach it.. Is it necessary to retime after adjusting the time scale slowly from the beginning of simulation work? And there is a problem that can't be solved, such as flickering or interruption in the volume when retime is performed. Does anyone have any advice on this? Thank you.
  17. Hi everyone, I am planning to do a bombing explosion effect like this https://www.military.com/video/operations-and-strategy/air-strikes/heavy-carpet-bombing-footage/2069227652001 I am planning to drop the bombs with particles, but I don't know to approach with triggering the pyro explosion once the particles hit the ground. And also, with multiple explosions like this, is it recommended to use pyro cluster? Thanks.
  18. What is the best way to go about exploding a building with a pyro explosion? Currently I have a setup that has a fractured structure that I add point velocities to and the rbd solver. I want to have a pyro explosion I can use to drive the rbd. How can I do this, none of the tutorials I've seen have pyro. I'm looking for something like this. -
  19. Hello everyone! This is my first explosion. I tried to replicate the explosion of the R9F. Any feedback is welcome! Thank you!
  20. Hello, I am trying to recreate the trail explosion at the beginning WITHOUT the rebelway course. I want to challenge myself so please don't say that I should buy the course. I have set the challenge by myself I have figured out how to achive the particle trail simulation and I can do this without any problems. But now I am stuck on the smoke/fire part. I don't know how to attach the smoke correctly to the particles when the particles are moving with fast velocities. Because when I am pressing the pyro fireball shelftool then my particles are showing like smoked points even if I increase the pyro substeps. I can do the particle simulation without problems I hope probably someone could help me here
  21. Hello all, I am a beginner at Houdini, but I try to understand some VEX coding, some easy coding to give velocity to normals. Now I am trying to achieve a Explosion with trails. I have set up a particle system where I have given some velocity to the particles. Now I am trying to use this particle system to drive the smoke/explosion simulation. But I don't know how to set it up right. Because I have tried the shelf tool "Explosion" and "fireball" but the result looks not so good. The smoke on the particles are dots. I have tried to increase the substeps in the pyro solver but nothing has changed at all. is there a right way, probably I do it wrong in some way. I am provide my Hip file here, in the case if someone knows how to do it It would be very thankfull. trail explosion_training.hipnc
  22. Hello all, I am a beginner at Houdini, but I try to understand some VEX coding, some easy coding to give velocity to normals. Now I am trying to achieve a Explosion with trails. I have set up a particle system where I have given some velocity to the particles. Now I am trying to use this particle system to drive the smoke/explosion simulation. But I don't know how to set it up right. Because I have tried the shelf tool "Explosion" and "fireball" but the result looks not so good. The smoke on the particles are dots. I have tried to increase the substeps in the pyro solver but nothing has changed at all. I am droping my Hip file here, in the case if someone knows how to do it It would be very thankfull. trail explosion_training.hipnc
  23. Hey folks, I started with Houdini very recently and I wanna focus on fx at first. So after trying with the Shelf tools I wanted to stylize my sims. I looked around the web and followed tutorials on a particle based pyro sim (I wanna do an explosion). The problem is, the pyro sim won't work with my PoP really well. I considered that my particles are too fast maybe and added substeps. But that didn't work out either and I don't know how to fix this thing. I hope you could understand my issue. Help would be much appreciated :^) Impact explosion.hipnc
  24. Hi all, I'm still pretty new to Houdini, but I offered to do my friend a favor by attempting to sim a spaceship crash for his short sci film. It was more of an excuse to learn RBDs in Houdini than anything else, but now that I've invested this much time I really want to make it work. Anyhow, I started with Steven Knipping's Applied Houdini Rigids III Vehicle Destruction course and once I finished that, I tried replacing the supplied helicopter model with a spaceship that I modeled in C4D using a Kitbash kit, so I imagine the geometry shouldn't be an issue. It would appear that I'm very close to getting a workable sim because I got it crashing and denting with the original animation that I set up for the ship. However, I've been running into a bit of a snag if I change the crash animation. For whatever reason, if I move the ship at all to match any of the tracked alembic cameras I was sent, either by changing the keyframes of the crash itself, or even by simply attaching the entire animation to another null and moving it in the scene, the ship totally blows up. You can see what I mean in the last 3 previews found in VFTV\render of the attached project folder. Maybe I'm missing something very basic, but as far as I can tell this shouldn't be happening, as my understanding is that the hard constraints I'm using on most of the ship aren't supposed to break unless I tell them to in the art directed cuts section of the frac SOP. Anyway, the first preview in the VFTV\render folder shows that the sim more or less works with the camera matching but without denting, and the second shows the crash with denting but with no camera matching. But, for whatever reason I couldn't get the source tracked cameras working directly in Houdini, so I took them into C4D first, changed the resolution and alembic camera scale, and exported them at .01cm from C4D, and after that they seemed to line up in Houdini once I changed the camera view resolution to match. However, my troubleshooting brain is telling me that I might've messed something up during this process and perhaps the explosion is due to mismatching scene/camera scale issues with the alembic cameras that the tracking artist sent causing the sim to be calculated differently. I'm not even sure if the C4D camera scale option affects the sim in Houdini and/or C4D, but scene scale certainly does, and if the imported camera scale is messing with scene scale, then maybe that's the problem. That said, I don't think that's the reason, because if I leave the original animation alone it seems to sim fine even with the new cameras. And, I believe I'm matching the scale correctly and using the right conversion which is supposed to be .01cm from C4D to Houdini. I've also messed around with exporting different camera scales and scene scales out of C4D and importing the alembics back into Houdini using several different methods, all with the same result. But, I realize it might help me to know more about which software each shot was tracked in, so I'm double checking with the guy at Framestore, who did the tracks, regarding the scene scale conversions. I was thinking Syntheyes might be different from Nuke for example. That said, I would be eternally grateful if anyone was willing to look at the project and let me know what they think the problem could be. My hope is it's something stupid on my part, and not some overly complex issue. Here's a Dropbox link to a reduced version of the project with all the assets VFTV_Smoldering_Wreckage_1_200813_v001.hiplc
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