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Deleting simulated fracture part


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Hey guys.

I'm loading a sequence of bgeo which have been simulated previously. The simulation took quite a while. I'd like to delete a few pieces that don't behave that well. But as there is a lot of auto fracturing, most of the geometry gets created over time and if for example I delete group 1-100 at frame 200 (the object I want to get rid of for the complete animation), the object pops back later, as more faces have been created and the geometry doesn't belong to that group anymore.

Is there an easy fix to that kind of issue ?

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Well you need to find or create an attribute that is persistent. Like an id attribute (point, prim, whatever).

Then you find what value your piece is (say 22054).

Create a delete node and set the Expression, not pattern, to something like:

$PIECEID == 22054.

That's as much as I can give you without seeing your scene or geo.


*that's presuming your id attribute is "pieceid"*

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Hey Christian.

I quickly made a file to show the issue. Uploading the other project would have been impossible considering the size of the files !

So, in the attached file, as you can see, on piece is red around frame 55. I'd like to get rid of that piece during the full animation, without screwing up the other pieces.

I'll have a look at your suggestion and see if I can get it to work.

Thanks !


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Well, detail view is your friend ... I just realized that I could use @name= in my blast to delete a specific piece as each piece gets a unique name.

Seems to work well. I'll flipbook to be sure ! I attached the modified example file just in case someone is interested.

Edited by br1
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