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Right angle curve


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Something like this, yes.

But with fixed step size and in 3D space.

My concern is exactly about finding an elegant way to do this.

All method that i've find until here are totaly crazy and give me a lot of nodes. I really hope that someone can give me a simple method for that!

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I fixed few parameters and it behaves more stable now. Check the original file.

More you lower the Level of Detail and Length Parameters of Resample SOP, the more stable (90deg) solution it gives. E.g LOD, and Length set to 0,001

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Your right, sorry :)

I'm looking to do exactly what the LineQuantize.hip give as result.

But the Fuse SOP in snap mode looks more like a "trick" than a real method for me.

In the LineQuantize2.hip, i've tried to do a different system. I create an axis matrix and start from a point, draw the matrix, create lines from end points of every matrix component to the end point of the line, keep the shortest line point, and repeat this for every step. This gives also interesting(different) results comparing to FuseSOP.

Because there is a multitude of way for going from one point to another passing only by right angles lines, I was just wondering if there is a more reliable/simple way of making such thing.

Interesting informations:



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I think your methods are fine depending on what you want to do.

However, I think you should brainstorm about what features you actually want,

because when you have a better idea of what is needed, it is a lot of easier coming up with a good solution,

a couple examples, note that it is very possible that you are fine with what you have:

-Currently it is grid based, this is a limitation in the sense that all line segments are of equal length, you could try to randomize the length of each segment between 2 values.

-It could be interesting to use a user drawn (poly)curve as an input and actually use the mid points for the output.

-Create a totally different approach, for example, measure the x,y and z distances. Pick one of the axes at random each time

and then move towards the target in one of this directions for a random portion of the total distance in this direction, until the total

amount of distance over each axis has been covered.

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Here's a quick attempt. It's only 2d but seems quite stable... No time to dig further for now, but I will do later.

I would be really interested to find in a reliable method too.


edit : my expression was a total useless mess, new hip does just the same but better.

Edited by ben
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