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voronoi look on object

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Hi... i want to use voronoi on for example a sphere...after applied the voronoi i van the round sided sphere shape to be flat.

Does anyone know how to accomplice this?

also... how do you groyp the boundries of a voronoi fracture in the foreach?

cant figure out a way.

please an example file if possible

thnx alot

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Your request for flattened sphere voronoi is a little vague. Do you want the edges to be flat like you have put together flat objects around a sphere? Do you want the edges to remain pointed inwards? Can you point to reference of what you want it to look like or show pictures of your work in progress?

I'm not sure about your other question.

Edited by kleer001
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  • 2 years later...



This is an old thread but, as it seems that I am looking for the same information, let's go.


My problem is : 

- applying worley noise on points via a VOP SOP and DisplaceAlongNormal leads to "curvy worley pattern"

- I would like to flatten this "curvature" to get perfectly flatten worley pattern


Hope it's clear   :)

If not, let's see the following breathtaking pic.



Anyone can help, what can I do at VOP level to do that ?



Edited by Korben
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Not sure what's the best way to achieve this using VOPSOP.


However, if you want the quick result.


Put down PolyreduceSOP under your pointvop, I used (Number, Keep# 55) to have the reduced sharp edge poly geo like you drew. Then use that geo to Ray on it from your original geometry.


I suppose you can use the weight attrb using the value of the noise.

Edited by bluciensky
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